

作者:qxsi   2022-06-02 07:17:31  点击:39

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  逻辑,是雅思写作TASK 2的第二个评分标准。它主要考查信息传递清晰度与流畅性,即如何组织并连接信息、观点和语言。Coherence,指的是采用逻辑排序的方式连接论点,如:First,Second,third等。Cohesion,指连接词(如,逻辑连接词、代词和连词)使用的多样性,确保句间和句内指代关系清楚。具体而言,考生需要满足以下要求。
  1.合理分段   建议大家按照四段式或者五段式的结构去安排内容,切勿首尾段内容过多,主体段落内容过少。一般情况下,首尾段字数之和等于一个主体段落的字数较为合理。
  2.确保每个段落有且只有一个主题   主题句的作用是阐明该段的写作方向,也就是告诉读者整个段落要写什么。
  Some countries and individuals try to deal with the problem of animal extinction. Others think it is more important to deal with problems of human beings.   Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.   A host of animal rights advocates are convinced that animal extinction is undoubtedly the most pressing problem that deserves additional attention.   翻译:很多动物维权者认为动物灭绝毫无疑问是急迫的问题,应该得到人们更多的关注。
  However, a substantial percentage of socialists are of the perspective that we would soon face the same fate as the extinct animals if the problems that human beings are currently encountering were not effectively solved.   翻译:但是,很多社会学家认为如果人类面临的问题不得到有效的解决,我们将很快面临跟动物一样的命运。
  Some people think that government should pay the course fees for those who want to study at university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   The initial reason that governments should pay for students' tertiary education is that the range of students who can have access to higher education is expanded.   翻译:政府应该为学生的高等教育埋单的首要原因是接受高等教育的学生范围扩大了。
  Moreover, if governments assume the role of paying students'   university tuition fees,students' family burden maybe released toalarge extent.   翻译:进一步而言,如果政府承担了给学生付大学学费的角色,学生的家庭负担将很大程度上得到缓解。
  Lastly, developing education industry is governments' responsibility and paying for students' university tuition fees is the fulfillment of governments'   responsibility.   翻译:后,发展教育事业是政府的责任,而给学生付大学学费则是政府责任的履行。
  3.使用丰富多样并且恰当的逻辑连接词及代词   逻辑连接词,包括句内连接和句间连接。句内连接,指构成复杂句的连接词,如:so ...that...,not only...but also...,although和while等.句fill连接,指论点和论据,以及论据f的逻辑连接,如:as a result , for example , by contrast ,specifically , that is to say等。