

作者:qxsi   2022-06-09 20:36:33  点击:30

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  市场调查英语情景对话-评价调查结果   There wasn't enough research done.   市场调查的力度不够。   Some of the research might have been a bit outdated.   可能有一些调查数据有点儿过时了。   Consumer reaction was good overall.   消费者反馈不错。   The results of that recent market study came as a bit of a surprise.   新的市场调查结果让我有点儿吃惊。   It looks like we are far from meeting our targets.   看样子我们远未达到指标。   市场调查英语情景对话-咨询   can start by talking to the design teams   我可以先和设计团队商讨一下。   will consult an e-commerce specialist.   我会咨询一下电子商务专家。   市场调查英语情景对话-问卷调查   Excuse me, I work for ABC Unlimited. I am conducting a survey about traffic jams in the city. Would you mind helping me by filling out this survey?   打扰了,我是ABC公司的职员。我正在做一项关于城市交通堵塞的调查。您介意帮我填一下这份调查表吗?   I was wondering if you had time to answer a few questions for me.   请问您有时间回答几个问题吗。   I suppose I could spare a few minutes.   我想我可以抽出几分钟的时间。   市场调查英语情景对话-情景对话   对话场景:第一季度业绩没达标,梅根和西蒙把原因归结为市场调查不足。两人商扭转局面的对策。   句型重点:评价调查结果,说明行动方式。
  Megan: It looks like we are far from meeting our targets for the first quarter.   Simon: How did that happen? I thought our marketing plans were brilliant!   Megan: I'm a bit concerned that there wasn't enough research done.   Simon: We did base the plans on research. I suppose,some of the research might have been a bit outdated.   Megan: When our marketing plans include the use of the Internet, e-commerce and e-marketing, we need to base it on current research.   Simon: Point taken.   Megan: And how about our designs? They seem a bit outdated, don't you think?   Simon: I suppose when you compare it to our competitors, it doesn't look very competitive.   Megan: We need to turn this around before the 3rd quarter results are in.   Simon: I can start by talking to the design teams about a new design.   Megan: Great. I will consult an e-commerce specialist to see how we can optimize our use of the Internet.   Simon: That's great. Let's get started.

  梅根:看样子第一季度我们远未达到指标啊。   西蒙:这是怎么回事?我觉得我们的营销计划很棒啊!   梅根:我有点担心市场调查的力度不够。   西蒙:营销计划确实是根据调查结果而制定的。我想,可能有一些调查数据有点儿过时了。   梅根:当我们将网络、电子商务和电子营销也纳入营销计划时,我们必须将计划基于当下的调查结果。   西蒙:说得对。   梅根:我们的设计怎么样?你不觉得它们有点儿过时了?   西蒙:与竞争对手相比,我觉得我们的设计看起来缺乏竞争力。   梅根:我们要在第三季度的结果出来之前,扭转这种局面。   西蒙:我可以先和设计团队商讨一下新的设计。   梅根:很好。我会咨询一下电子商务专家,看看怎样优化我们的网络使用。   西蒙:不错。我们开始行动吧。