

作者:qxsi   2022-06-10 06:18:20  点击:33

未认证 谨防假冒!



  商务英语接机对话-上前询问、自我介绍   You must be from the head office?   您一定是从总部来的吧?   I'm here to take you to our office.   我来接您去我们公司。   Pleased to meet you.   很高兴见到您。   商务英语接机对话-照顾客人   Let me help you with your bags.   我来帮您提包吧。   The driver is just outside. He'll take us back to the office.   司机就在外面。他会把我们带到公司。   This way,please.   这边请。   商务英语接机对话-寒暄   How was your flight?   旅途如何?   How long will it take to get there?   到那里要花多长时间?   At this time in the afternoon, it should only take about 40 minutes.   下午这个时间段,大约只要40分钟。
  商务英语接机对话-情景对话     对话场景:艾米到机场迎接纽约办事处来的马丁。她事先订了车,准备了客人的日程表,并对当天的行程做了安排。   句型重点:机场见面的问候和寒暄。
  Amy: Are you Martin Snow?   Martin: Yes, I am. You must be from the head office?   Amy: Yes. I'm Amy. Pleased to meet you.   Martin: It's a pleasure.   Amy: How was your flight?   Martin: It was fine. Not much turbulence - and the food wasn't bad, either.   Amy: That's great. Let me help you with your bags.   Martin: If you insist.   Amy: It's not a problem. The driver is just outside. He'll take us back to the office.   Martin: That's great. How long will it take to get there?   Amy: At this time in the afternoon, it should only take about 40 minutes.   Martin: I was told you would have my : Yes, here it is.   Martin: Looks like the first meeting is at 4 o'clock PM and then it's dinner at the Round House. That doesn't look too stressful.   Amy: It should be fairly relaxing tonight. Oh, here's the car.
  艾米:您是马丁·斯诺吗?   马丁:是的,我是。您一定是从总部来的吧?   艾米:是的,我是艾米。很高兴见到您。   马丁:见到您我也很高兴。   艾米:旅途如何?   马丁:还好,没有太多的气流干扰,食物也不错。   艾米:那就好,我来帮您提包吧。   马丁:如果您坚持的话,我就不客气了。   艾米:没什么,司机就在外面。他会把我们带到公司。   马丁:太好了,到公司要花多长时间?   艾米:在下午这个时间段。大约只要40分钟。   马丁:有人告诉我,您有我的行程计划。   艾米:是的,给您看看。   马丁:看样子第一场会议在下午4点召开,之后在圆厅举行晚宴,行程看起来不怎么紧张。   艾米:今晚应该比较轻松。哦,我们的车在这里。   以上就是:商务英语接机对话的商务英语情景对话。佛山韦博英语搜罗各种商务英语情景对话,助你完成由菜鸟到高手的完美蜕变,汇集经典、全面、实用的商务英语会话表达。