

作者:qxsi   2022-06-10 06:50:34  点击:36

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  【题目分析】   News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?(考题重现: )。   核心词汇:news media.   文章结构:辩论型片面式话题。   【高分范文】
  Rumors, books, radio, newspapers, TV and the Internet (even cellphones) are some means to obtain information in human history,, all of which are pointing to an area of news spreading. Some believe that news media are positive, but others far as I am concerned, news media contribute much more than people recognize.
  What we cannot deny is that some fake publications from some news media do mislead the general public in their dailyroutines such as changing their lifestyles without purpose and encouraging them to participate in some meaningless , this situation only appears in a few companies; most leading media are still reliable which provide useful informationconstantly, so news media have more positive impacts on people obviously.   When it comes to the positive side, three things should be mentioned: Firstly, it is one of the most important ways to spreadinformation in modern society with efficiency. In other words, news media update their information not even- single day, but everyminute or even every second. Secondly, from those news media, people can receive some advice from all kinds of specialists, whichwill be of benefit to their living choices and their future resolutions. Lastly, and the most important point, it is the news media thatestablish a platform, on which common people and experts get chances to communicate with each other equally. Without it, therewill be always a gap between the decision makers and decision influencers.
  In short, news media are not just a way to spread information in modern society. More importantly, they provide people withmore choices in their daily life and enable them to show their own viewpoints to the public in the Information Age.
  简言之,新闻媒体在现代社会不仅仅是传播信息,更重要的是给人们的日常生活提供更多选择,并让人们能够在信息时代将自我观点传这给公众。   以上就是北京环球雅思小编为您整理的关于新闻媒体的雅思作文范文。新闻媒体在现代社会不仅仅是传播信息,更重要的是给人们的日常生活提供更多选择,并让人们能够在信息时代将自我观点传这给公众,你怎么看?小编提醒大家,雅思考试需努力,雅思-拒绝“二战”,有条件的学员建议参加雅思培训班,以确保学习效果。