

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 09:02:01  点击:34

未认证 谨防假冒!


  不论是GCSE、IGCSE还是Alevel的科学类科目(Science)向来实验,而物理、化学、生物也是以实验为基础的学科,因此在各个阶段的学习中,实验都扮演很重要的角色,考卷中与实验相关的问题比例也很高,升入Alevel之后更是在As和A2阶段都设置单独的实验试卷。 今天小编为大家介绍IGCSE物理、化学、生物必须掌握的24个核心实验。
  Biology生物Core practical 1: Looking at cells 观察细胞 Core practical 2: pH and enzyme activity pH值和酶活性 Core practical 3: Food tests 食物测试 Core practical 4: Osmosis in potato strips 土豆条里的渗透作用 Core practical 5: Microbial cultures 微生物培养 Core practical 6: Photosynthesis 光合作用 Core practical 7: Respiration 呼吸作用 Core practical 8: Fieldwork 野外考察。
  Chemistry化学Core practical 1: Investigating the composition of inks 墨水组成的研究 Core practical 2: Investigating pH pH值研究 Core practical 3: Preparation of copper sulfate 硫酸铜的制备 Core practical 4: Electrolysis 电解 Core practical 5: Acidalkali titration 酸碱滴定 Core practical 6: Rates of reaction 反应速率 Core practical 7: Identifying ions 标定离子 Core practical 8: Combustion of alcohols 酒精的燃烧。
  Physics物理Core practical 1: Investigating force, mass and acceleration 力、质量、加速度的研究 Core practical 2: Investigating speed, frequency and wavelength of waves 波速、频率、波长的研究 Core practical 3: Investigating refraction in glass blocks 玻璃砖的折射 Core practical 4: Investigating thermal energy 热能 Core practical 5: Investigating electrical circuits 电路 Core practical 6: Investigating the density of solids and liquids 固体和液体的密度 Core practical 7: Investigating the properties of water 水的性质 Core practical 8: Investigating the extension of a spring 弹簧的伸长。
