

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 09:30:01  点击:32

未认证 谨防假冒!


  I. Criteria:
  Fluency & Coherence
  II. 差距:
  除开其他三个评分标准(pronouncitation, grammar, lexical resource)不谈,单就Fluency & Coherence来说,如果仅仅看下面范文,理论上能只能拿7左右,但往往考生只能拿到6-6.5,甚至更低的理由是:发音不地道,语法现象不多样化,词汇不够flexible,用词不精准,或者有背诵痕迹(因此切记强记),所以会导致看似能拿到7.0 的标准答案,到了考生手里,只能下降0.5-1.5
  III. Samples
  The personI'mclosestto my familyisdefinitelymy mum, Kate.
  We'vegot onand wehardlyeverfall out. I knowthat'sunusual!
  Everyone thinks she'sgood fun.
   Ilookup toher because she'ssohardworking- sheneversits still and she works long hours.
   Shecan bea bitimpatient,thought- shegets annoyedwhenher colleagues aren'tas efficient asher. Itake afterherinthat -I'm impatient, too.
  And she'soversensitive,oftengetting offendedforseeminglyno reason.
  MycousinHenryand Igrew up together.We wereinseparable.
  He was so creative -he'dalwaysthink of new games we could play and make up these stories to make me laugh.
   I wasconstantlyamazed byhis open-mindedness as well -he was neverjudgemental.I wish I could be like that.
  Unfortunately, we grew apart, slowly but surely,and by the time we went to uniweweren't in touchanymore.Ihaven'tsee him for years. It's reallysad.
  Iwould blameit partly on the fact thathe's not very reliable,so for example, if I email him he won't respond. I'm not sure what he's up to these days.
  I know this is acliche, butI don'tget on withmy in-laws, especially my mother-in-law,Jane.She's so nosy, alwayswanting to know what we'redoing and who we're with, and she'sterriblyblunt,whichmeans she quite oftenupsets us with things she comes outwith.Andthen she can be quite stingy.When we go ou forameal with her and my father-in-law, sheneveroffersto pay,eventhough they're much betteroff than us.
  Imustsay, though, she's extremely clever and I dorespect her for that.She setup her own business five years ago and it's gonefrom strength to strength. She's soself-assuredand ambitioustoo, whichI supposeis whyshe's sosuccessfulin business.
