

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 09:31:01  点击:20

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  ​​​​​​The person I want to talk about who taught me English is my middle school English teacher Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao is average build(中等身材), pretty with bright round eyes. She always teaches her class with passion, making us believe that speaking English is classy(有品位的) and full of pride(值得骄傲的). She taught me three years of English, during which time my interest of this language grows. She delivers her class in a creative way by inviting students competing in groups. Usually the boys and girls are divided into two separate groups(分开的小组),
  and the team that answers the most questions wins, so the atmosphere in her English class is always interactive and lively(有互动的,活跃的). She always gives us homework to recite the textbook conversations, which has proven to be one of the effective ways for us to remember all the important vocabularies and sentences, practice our pronunciation, and cultivate our sensitivity about language(培养语言的敏感度). She is one of my favorite teachers in middle school. She is responsible, whenever we have some difficult part to understand, she would patiently explain to us. She speaks good English, which help us to form a good grasp of language pronunciation at an early age. She tries very hard to make her class fun and lively, which sparks our curiosity(激发好奇心) and interest in language learning.
