

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 09:47:01  点击:33

未认证 谨防假冒!


  1.on earth, on the earth, in the earth
  on earth 有两种含义:
  ①“在世界上”等于in the world.②“究竟,到底;一点也”,相当于at all,用于疑问句后。on the earth意为:“在地球上”,位于表面。in the earth含有“在泥土里,在地下”之意。因此,在指世界上空间的存在物时不能用它。如:
  ①This kind of bird is rare on earth.这种鸟在世界上罕见。
  ②What on earth is that terrible noise?那种可怕的声音究竟是什么?
  ③Human beings can only live on the earth.人类只能生存在地球上。
  ④There is much petroleumin the earth.地下有大量石油。
  2.on foot, on one’s feet
  on foot 作方式状语,意为:“步行”。on one's feet 表示“站着”之意,常与be, stand连且,并且feet任何时候都不用单数。如:
  ①I usually go to work on foot.我常常步行去上班。
  ②A teacher always stands on his feet while he is having lessons.老师讲课时只是站着。
  3.on the contrary, to the contrary
  on the contrary 意为:“相反地”,具有副词和连词作用,用来承接意思一正一反的两个单句。to the coutrary意为:“相反的”,有形家词作用,位于修饰词之后。如:
  ①Mary’s face was pale. On the contrary,Jane’s face was very red.玛丽的脸色苍白,相反,简的脸色却很红。
  ②I shall continue to believe it until I have proof to the contrary.在没得到相反的证据之前,我将继续相信这件事。
  4.once again, once and again
  once again意为:“再一次”,相当于once more。once and again意为:“再三,多次”,等于repeatedly。如:
  ①I hope you will try once again.希望你再试一次。
  ②He has made the same mistakes once and again.他多次犯同样的错误。
  5.out of question, out of the question
  out of question意为:“毫无疑问”,“一定”,可用作状语或表语。out of the question只用作表语,意为:“不可能的”。如:
  ①His success is out of question.他成功是毫无疑问的。
  ②His success is out of the question.他成功是不可能的。
  1. Sooner or later he will be sent into prison. 他迟早会被送进。
  2. They are bound to create trouble sooner or later. 他们迟早会带来麻烦的。
  3. Sooner or later you will find that Jim is honest. 你迟早会发现吉姆是诚实的。
  4. Sooner or later she is going to awake anyhow. 她迟早会醒来的。
  5. Sooner or later you will find it is interesting to collect stamps. 你迟早会发现集邮是有趣的。
  6. Sooner or later you will be glad of it. 你迟早会为此而高兴的。
  7. If you study hard, sooner or later you'll succeed. 如果你努力学习,迟早你会成功的。
  8. Sooner or later you'll make a mistake. 你迟早会犯错误的。
