

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 09:52:01  点击:43

未认证 谨防假冒!


  1.(2019鞍山6)---Could you please help me______ the notices after school? ---Yes, sure.
  A. give out B. come out C. work out D. sell out
  2.(2019本溪5)---Look at the dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly.
  ---It ______that a big storm is coming.
  3.(2019本溪7)Frank is an honest boy and he never tells a lie.We all _______ him.
  4.(2019本溪11)To feed her little son.Mrs. Smith has to _______ the vegetables and meat.A.make upB.put upC.set upD.cut up
  5.(2019朝阳3)Luke usually goes to work early so that he canthe heavy traffic in the morning.
  6.(2019朝阳8)﹣These days,it is popular toold clothes to the second﹣hand store.
  ﹣Yes,it's a good way.I'll do it from now on.
  A.give awayB.give outC.give upD.give back
  7.(2019大连9)It's better toyour rubbish into plastic,glass,paper and rubber before throwing it away.
  8.(2019大连11)It is getting dark.Why not the lights?
  A.turn onB.take awayC.pick upD.put away
  9.(2019抚顺2)In the summer camp,the boy learned toall kinds of difficulties.
  A.manage B.protect C.remain D.control
  10.(2019抚顺4)Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake reallylike a mirror.
  A.sounds B.looks C.smells D.tastes
  11.(2019抚顺5)—Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when I'm away?
  —Of course.He won'tyour request.He loves animals a lot.
  A.put down B.write down C.turn down D.take down
  12.(2019抚顺9)Successhard—working people in the end.
  A.agrees to B.talks to C.belongs to D.shouts to
  A.putsupB.looksfor C.givesawayD.looksthrough
  15.(2019辽阳6)The dish smells delicious,but ita little salty.
  16.(2019辽阳9)John didn't get the job he wanted.Let's go and.
  A.turn him downB.call him back
  C.cheer him upD.let him down
  17.(2019辽阳12)It's impolite to________your teachers' office without knocking at the door.
  18.(2019沈阳5)Last week,some students______ an English play at Rosie Bridge School.
  A.put out B.put away C.put on D.put up
  19.(2019铁岭4)The cover of the bookcomfortable.It's made of silk.
  20.(2019铁岭10)My cousin volunteers in the Children's Home.His job is tofood and clothes.
  A.sell outB.work outC.hand outD.find out
  21.(2019营口10)—We’ll visit the old people’s home this weekend. How can we let all the students know it?
  —We’d better _____ notices around the school.
  A. make upB. put upC. take upD. look up
  22.(2018抚顺2)The chicken soup______delicious. I can't wait to have a taste.
  A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells
  23.(2018抚顺5)_______your dream, and go for it. I believe you can succeed in the end.
  A. Hear from B. Take after C. Stick to D. Depend on
  24.(2018抚顺8)She was______an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didn't come
  A. explaining B.expressing C.experiencing D.expecting
  25.(2018本溪4)---What do you think of the shirt on sale?
  ---It_____nice, but it doesn’t feel so soft.
  A.sounds B, looks C, tastes D. smells
  26.(2018本溪5) -Lin Jia, you have a loving grandma, right?
  --Yes, she always_____her time with me whenever I need her.
  A. spends B. uses C. takes D. pays
  27.(2018本溪9)--When will the plane______? -At 2: 00 this afternoon
  A. cut off B. put off C. turn off D. take off
  28.(2018铁岭10)The pancakes______good. There are many people waiting in line to buy some.
  A.sound B. feel C. tum D. taste
  29.(2018铁岭11)Do you believe that different colors can_____different feelings?
  A.expect B.exercise C.express D.experience
  30.(2018铁岭12)My family will________to visit my grandparents this summer vacation.
  A. set up B. set out C. fall down D. fall asleep
  31.(2018辽阳3)What you said in classvery reasonable.
  A. looked B. sounded C. smelt D. tasted
  32.(2018辽阳7)We canuseless information in the article to make it easier to understand.
  A. cut up B. cut out C. cut into D. cut off
  33.(2018葫芦岛5)The boy_____stronger after working on the farm for a week.
  A. stayed B.went C. became D.came
  34.(2018葫芦岛9)Everyone should_______litter whenever he sees it on the play ground.
  A.give up B. mix up C. pick up D.use up
  35.(2018大连11)Hawking s bookA Brief History of Timecame_____after years' hard work.
  A.out B. on C. down D. up
  36.(2018丹东25)-What are you cooking, Mom? It______delicious.
  --Come and_____it by yourself, my son.
  A.smells: smell B, tastes: taste C. tastes: smell D. smells: taste
  37.(2018丹东31) -You can’t have your toy car back until you______not to play with it in class.
  --Sorry,I won’t do it any more.
  A. provide B. protect C. produce D.promise
  38.(2018丹东32) -Wow, you're changed!
  --Yes. I’ve______five pounds. I really need to lose weight.
  A. put off B. put down C. put up D. put on
  39.(2018丹东37) Tom and I were both invited to the party, but he didn’t______at the party yesterday.
  A. cheer up B. come up C take up D show up
  40.(2018朝阳29)-I don't know where to go this summer vacation.
  -Why not_____visiting Beijing? There are many places of interested.
  A.consider B.regard C. wonder D. suggest
  41.(2018朝阳30) -Why did he____your invitation?
  -Because he had an important meeting to attend that day.
  A. hand in B. look up C. put away D. turn down
  42.(2018阜新4)– Dinner is ready. Help yourself!
  – Oh! It_______delicious. You are really good at cooking.
  A. tastesB. sounds C. gets D. feels
  43.(2018阜新7)– Paul, could you help me _______ when the earliest train will leave for Beijing?
  – OK. I’ll do it right away.
  A. look outB. get out C. find out D. take out
  44.(2018营口10)-When do you usually______in the morning?
  -That depends on what time my alarm clock goes off.
  A. stay up B. put up C.wake up D.make up
  45.-I love the beach in summer.-Yes, it_____good to swim in the cool water.
  A.tastesB.looksC. smellsD. feels
  答案:1-5ABDDA 6-10ADAAB 11-15CCCDB 16-20CDCBC 21-25BDCDB
  26-30ADDCB 31-35BBCCA 36-40DDDDA 41-45DACCD
