总算发现托福口语TPO53答案分享 新托福
总算发现托福口语TPO53答案分享 新托福

总算发现托福口语TPO53答案分享 新托福

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 10:10:01  点击:46

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  For me, I prefer to save the extra money I get. I know some people who are willing to use up their money to satisfy their needs. However, I think it's reasonable to save money. Well, you know, some people make impulse purchases without considering the practical value of the items they buy. As a result, they just waste money on useless items. When some emergencies occur, they do not have a financial backstop for the unexpected situations. By contrast, people who save would feel less burdened by any economic crises.
  The university decides to reduce energy consumption by using new lights to replace old lights which consume more power and by reducing air conditioning in the library. That woman disagrees with this decision for two reasons. Firstly, in order to improve the bad lighting, students will use reading lamps. The use of lamps runs counter to the university's initial expectation of reducing energy consumption. Also, reducing the air conditioning leads to high temperature, which students can not tolerate. As a result, students will be more willing to study in their cooler dorms.
  The reading passage describes the chaining behavior, which means that to help children acquire complex behaviors, their parents teach the behaviors in chain. The professor gives a real life example. In order to teach his three year old daughter how to wash hands, the professor broke hand washing behavior down into five steps. And he didn't move to the next step until his daughter mastered some simpler behaviors. To be specific, after his daughter knew how to turn on the water, he taught her to get hands wet. Later, he taught his daughter to use soap. After that, his daughter learned how to rinse the hands. Finally, the child knew how to turn off the water.
  The professor describes two factors that prevent food spoiling. One is temperature. At warm temperatures, bacteria that cause food spoilage grow fast. At cool temperatures, such bacteria grow slowly. For example, people can keep fish meat fresh by freezing fish, since low temperatures suppress bacterial growth. Another factor is moisture. Bacteria need moisture to survive and food that's high in water content provides bacteria with the moisture they need. For example, compared with regular liquid milk, dry powdered milk spoils quickly, because the moisture is removed from powdered milk. Without moisture, bacteria cannot grow.
