总算发现2018年11月22英语四级新闻听力练习题 四级听力练习
总算发现2018年11月22英语四级新闻听力练习题 四级听力练习

总算发现2018年11月22英语四级新闻听力练习题 四级听力练习

作者:qxsi   2021-11-25 10:18:01  点击:19

未认证 谨防假冒!


  A. Seven hundred sixty-four thousand four-hundred students.
  B. One hundred ninety-four thousand students.
  C. One hundred thousand students.
  D. Seventy-two thousand students.
  A. Six percent.
  B. One percent.
  C. Less than four percent.
  D. Seven percent.
  1. According to the news report, how many Chinese students are studying at American colleges and universities?
  A. Seven hundred sixty-four thousand four-hundred students.
  B. One hundred ninety-four thousand students.
  C. One hundred thousand students.
  D. Seventy-two thousand students.
  2. According to the news report, how much do foreign students account for the total student population in American higher education?
  A. Six percent.
  B. One percent.
  C. Less than four percent.
  D. Seven percent.
  A new report says more and more international students are attending colleges and universities in the United States. It also notes a large increase in the number of international students from China. The report documents(记录) the record number of international students in the United States during the twenty-eleven, twenty-twelve school year. It says more than seven hundred sixty-four thousand four-hundred such students were attending American colleges and universities during that period. That represents an increase of almost six percent compared to one year earlier. By comparison(比较), the number of Americans studying overseas increased by one percent. The report says one hundred ninety-four thousand students at American colleges and universities were from China. That is an increase of more than twenty-three percent over the year before. Many Chinese families are able to pay for the highest-quality educationfor their children. The children mainly choose to study in America. Chinese students are not the only ones who want to attend American colleges and universities. After China, India sends the second largest number of students to the United States for higher education. India has about one hundred thousand students in American schools. South Korea is third with about seventy-twothous and students. Foreign students represent less than four percent of the total student population in American higher education. This means there is still a lot of room for international students.
