总算领会打错电话 英文
总算领会打错电话 英文

总算领会打错电话 英文

作者:qxsi   2022-05-31 17:42:02  点击:20

未认证 谨防假冒!


  打错电话 英文,The Wrong Number
A: Hello, Overseas Sales Department.   B: Hello. Could I speak to , please?   A: John White of the Asian Sales Division?   B: No. I'd like to speak to James White, the assistant manager.   A: I'm sorry, but maybe you have dialed the wrong number. Thisis the Overseas Sales Department.   B: Let me see. Isn't this ?   A: It is indeed.   B: Then I thought I could get hold of James White.   A: Probably you miswrote his number.   B: Yeah, I think so.   A: Maybe I can give you James White's number, if you don't mindwaiting for a few seconds.   B: That would be very nice of you.   A: May I have your name, please, if you don't mind?   B: This is White Lee of Rainbow Technology Company.   A: Okay, hold on a second, please, Mr. Lee. Let me check. Here itis. Have you got a pen now?   B:Yes.   A: Okay. It's .   B: Let me repeat. Did you say ?   A: That's right.   B: Then I must have noted down 6 to 8 by mistake. Thank youso much.   A: You are welcome.   B: And sorry for bringing you so much trouble.   A: Oh, it's nothing. See you.   B: See you.   (A moment later)。   A: Hello, Overseas Sales Department.   B: Oh, hello. I think I have dialed the wrong number again.   A: Yeah, it's me again.   B: I pressed the redial button. I am so sorry for troubling you again.   A: That's all right. Actually I can get James White for you. He isjust next door.   B: Thank you so much. But I think I would like to try a lot.   打错电话A:您好,海外销售部。   B:您好。我找White先生。   A:是亚洲地区销售处的John White吗?   B:不是。我想找经理助理James White,A:对不起,您可能打错了。这里是海外销售部。   B:我看一下。这个号不是吗?   A:没错。   B:我还以为拨这个号码能找到James White,A:可能是您把号码记错了。   B:我想也是。   A:也许我能帮您查到James White的号码,但得麻烦您等一下。   B:那太好了。   A:不介意的话能告诉我您的名字吗?   B:我是彩虹技术公司的White Lee。   A:好的,Lee先生请稍等。我查一下。找到了。您现在有笔吗?   B:有的。   A:好的。号码是,B:我重复一遍。您说的是吧?   A:没错。   B:我肯定是把6错写成8了。非常感谢。   A:不客气。   B:不好意思,给您添麻烦了。   A:没关系。再见。   B:再见。   (过了一会儿)。   A:您好,海外销售部。   B:哦,您好,我觉得好像又拨错了。   A:对,还是我。   B:我按了重拨键。实在抱歉又打扰您。   A:没关系。其实我可以帮您叫James White他就在隔壁。   B:太感谢您了,不过我还是再拨一次好了。谢谢