

作者:qxsi   2022-05-31 19:22:55  点击:29

未认证 谨防假冒!


  怎么用英语送别客户?在人际交往中,送别的礼仪甚至比迎接的礼仪更不容忽视。尤其是接待外宾时,留给宾客一个良好的印象,对于以后双方的交往很有帮助。 Seeing off Customers   Miss Wang is seeing Mr. Green off from Canada at the airport.
  A: All my bags are checked in. I believe I am all set to go.   B: You must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. I hope you have had a good time in Beijing.
  A: Sure I am. I do have a wonderful time. So, we will be expecting the first shipment in less than a month?   B: Yes, that's right. They will be delivered as soon as possible.
  A: Good. Please tell Mr. Huang in the company to keep up good work. I think all the goods will be selling very well in my country.   B: I hope so. It is always good to work with you. I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed.
  A: I am sure I won't. I really appreciate you for your hospitality.   B: It is my pleasure. Here is a small gift for you as a token of our friendship and business.
  A: How beautiful it is! What is it?   B: It is a beautiful piece of embroidery. The pattern is phoenix which is a kind of bird symbolizing good luck and harmony in Chinese culture.
  A: Thanks a lot. I will treasure it all my life. It is the firs)time I have seen the Chinese embroidery. It is splendid.   B: I am glad you like it. It just stands for our friendship. Iam looking forward to seeing you again.
  A: Welcome you to Canada for business. There I will invite you to taste delicious Canadian food and act as a guide for you to enjoy the beautiful scenery in Canada.   B: Thank you very much for saying so. If there is a chance, I will consider that.
  A: It's very nice of you to come and see me off.   B: Take care of yourself and have a nice flight. Please keep in touch.   A: Sure I will.
  A:我的行李都检查过了,我想我要准备出发了。   B:出差这么久终于可以回家了,我想您一定非常高兴。我希望您在北京过得很愉快。
  A:当然了,非常愉快。那我们能在一个月之内收到那批货物,对吧?   B:当然了,那批货物会尽快送到。
  A:非常好。请告诉你们的黄总继续努力。我认为这批货物在我们国家会很畅销。   B:我也希望如此。和您的合作一直非常愉快。感谢您下了这么大的订单,您一定不会失望的。
  A:这点我相信,非常感谢你的热情款待。   B:不用客气。这是给您的一份小礼物,以此来纪念我们之间的友谊和贸易往来。
  A:太漂亮了!这是什么呀?   B:这是一件漂亮的刺绣。_上面的图案是一只凤凰,在中国文化中,这种鸟代表着吉祥与和谐。
  A:太谢谢你了。我一定好好珍藏。这是我第一次见到中国的刺绣。真是太精美了。   B:很高兴您喜欢。它代表了我们的友谊。我期望能够早日再次见到您。
  A:欢迎你到加拿大洽谈业务。到时我会邀请你品尝美味的加拿大菜,带你欣赏加拿大的迷人风景。   B:谢谢您。如果有机会,我一定会考虑的。
  A:非常感谢你为我送行。   B:珍重!旅途愉快!保持联系。   A:我一定会的。