

作者:qxsi   2022-05-31 20:06:37  点击:20

未认证 谨防假冒!



Conversation 1   Mr. Wang: Hello, Miss Huang. How are you?   Miss Huang: Hello, Wang. I'm fine, and you?   Mr. Wang:I'm doing fine, too. Well, Miss Huang,we are planning to have a casual get-together. And I wonder if you and yourhusband can join us.   Miss Huang:That sounds very nice. When will it be?   Mr. Wang:It's next week from this Monday.   Miss Huang:What a pity! We have another party thatday. How I wish we could come!   Mr. Wang:It doesn't matter. Let's wait until thenext time.   王先生:喂,黄小姐,你好吗?   黄小姐:喂,王,我很好。你呢?   王先生:我也很好。嗯,黄小姐,我们打算大家小聚一番,不知道您和您丈夫能不能赏光?   黄小姐:听起来真不错,什么时候呢?   王先生:下个星期一。   黄小姐:太可惜了!我们那天也有个聚会。真希望我们能去!   王先生:没关系。下次还有机会。 Conversation 2   Secretary: I wonder if you have made any plans tomorrow evening.   Karl: No, I have nothing on then.   Secretary: Mr. Zhang, our Managing Director, would like to have the pleasure of inviting you toa cocktail party.   Karl: That's very kind of him. I'd be delighted to come.   Secretary: It'll be held at 6:00 . Zhonghua Hotel.
  Karl: Thank you. I'll be there.   秘书:不知道你明天晚上是否已有什么安排?   卡尔:没有,没什么安排。   秘书:我们的总经理张先生想邀请你参加一个鸡尾酒会。   卡尔:谢谢他的好意。我很乐意前去参加。   秘书:酒会于下午6点在中华酒店举行。   卡尔:谢谢。我会去的。 Conversation 3   Secretary: Hello. This is the Johnson Fabrications.   Wang Ming: I'd like to speak to Mr. John.   Secretary: Sorry. Mr. John is out of the office I help you?   Wang Ming: This is Wang Ming. I'm with A-1 Box Company. I'd like to invite Mr. John toa dinner party for our manager.   Secretary: I can handle that for you. When and where will the dinner party be?   Wang Ming: Tomorrow evening, at six o'clock. Beijing Hotel.   Secretary: OK. I will take it for Mr. John. Thank you for your invitation.   Wang Ming: Thank you.   Secretary: You're welcome.   秘书:你好。这是强生制造公司。我想和约翰先生通话。   王明:抱歉。约翰先生现在不在办公室。   秘书:我能帮您什么忙吗?   王明:我叫王明。我是A-4盒子公司的。我想替我们经理邀请约翰先生赴宴。   秘书:我可以为您处理。宴会在何时、何地举行?   王明:明晚6点钟,在北京饭店。   秘书:好的。我会转告约翰先生的。谢谢你们的邀请。   王明:谢谢你。   秘书:不客气。 Conversation 4   Smith:Good morning, Ms. Amis!   Amis:Good morning, Mr. Smith!   Smith:I want to have a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. Would you be able to come the next weekend, on Saturday?   Amis:I'd be delighted to, Mr. Smith. Saturday didyou say?   Smith:If that's all right for you.   Amis:I'm pretty sure it'll be all right.   Smith: Good, if you could come around six-thirty or seven o'clock, that would give us time to chat a while over a glass of wine before dinner.   Amis: That sounds fine. I'll be there around seven.   史密斯:早晨好,艾米斯女士!   艾米斯:早晨好,史密斯先生!   史密斯:我想请几位朋友吃顿晚饭庆祝我的生日。时间在下周末,星期六。你能来吗?   艾米斯:我很愿意来,史密斯先生。你是说周六吗?   史密斯:如果你方便的话。   艾米斯:我可以有把握地说这个时间对我很合适。   史密斯:好。如果你能在6点半或7点钟来,我们在晚饭前将有时间喝杯酒聊一会儿。   艾米斯:听起来是个好主意。我大约在7点左右到。