

作者:qxsi   2022-05-31 20:33:23  点击:57

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Conversation 1   Manager: I would like to get everyone's opinion on the issues.   Mr. Smith: We all expect to have the chance.   Manager: Really, Mr. Smith? Then the floor is yours.   Mr. Smith: Certainly. It's my honor to start the ball rolling. In my opinion...   经理:有关这些问题,我希望能获得每个人的意见。   史密斯先生:我们都盼着发言呢。   经理:是吗,史密斯先生?那你能评论一下吗?   史密斯先生:当然,我很荣幸第一个发言。在我看来…… Conversation 2   Paul: The next item is the financial report. Now the treasurer has the floor.   Susan:Thank you. I assume everybody has previewed the profit and loss statement. Then I'll make an explanation.   Paul: Why doesn't it include the payment by BCD company?   Susan:The statement is made at the end of the month and their check was a few days late, so it missed the cutoff point.   Paul: Will the payment be shown in the next month report?   Susan: Yes.   保罗:下一项是财务报告。现在由财务主管发言。   苏珊:谢谢。我想大家都已经看过损益表了。下面我来解释一下。   保罗:为什么上面没有BCD公司的货款?   苏珊:这个报表是在月底做的,他们的支票晚了几天进账,所以错过了截止日。   保罗:在下个月的报表上能看到这笔货款吗?   苏珊:是的。 Conversation 3   Rena: My presentation will show you how we can work together and achieve the win-win situation.   Peter: That's what we would like to hear.   Rena: There are three parts in my presentation: people,processes, and products.   Peter: Sounds good. Please go ahead.   丽娜:我的发言会表示我们如何合作并达到双赢的效果。   彼得:这正是我们想知道的。   丽娜:我的发言分三部分:人员、流程和产品。   彼得:听起来不错,请继续吧。 Conversation 4   Manager: Well, gentlemen, as you know, the purpose of this meeting is to make a preliminary evaluation of product CP21·At this stage we have three main points to consider you have them on your agenda. The first one is: potential market. Tom, what can you say about that?   Tom:I asked the four regional managers to do two things. Firstly, to make a rough estimate of the number of customers in their territory who might be interested, and secondly, to sound out one or two of these-very diplomatically of course and find out their , I wanted to know whether this problem is a general one or not.   Manager:And what were their findings?   Tom:Well, it seems the problem is more general than we realized. But most people just accept it, they regard it more as an inconvenience than as a serious production problem.   Manager:Do you think the idea has sales potential?   Tom:Yes, I do. The results obtained by Jones Electronics are quite impressive.   Manager: Thank you. Now, the next item to consider is the probable cost of going into , can you give us some idea of the investment required?   经理:喂,先生们,你们都知道,本次会议的目的是对新产品CP21作投产前的预估。在现阶段,我们要考虑的主要有三点—这三点在你们的议事日程上都有了。第一点是潜在的市场。汤姆,关于这一点你能谈谈吗?   汤姆:我曾请四位区域经理做了两件事。第一是粗略估计在他们的地区内,有多少顾客对这个新产品可能会感兴趣;第二是听取其中一些人的意见,当然要十分机智了解他们的反应。基本上我想弄清楚这个问题是不是一般性的。   经理:他们调查的结果如何?   汤姆:嗯,问题似乎比我们意识到的更为一般化。但是大多数人只是接受问题而已。他们认为只是麻烦,但并没有把它看作是重大的生产问题。   经理:你是否认为这个新产品具有销售潜力?   汤姆:是的,我认为如此。琼斯电子公司所取得的结果给人留下了相当深刻的印象。   经理:谢谢你。现在要考虑的下一个事项是关于投产所需的估算成本。比尔,你可否给我们谈点投资方面所需的意见?