看点少儿英语故事:Playing Chess with a Dog和狗下棋
看点少儿英语故事:Playing Chess with a Dog和狗下棋

看点少儿英语故事:Playing Chess with a Dog和狗下棋

作者:qxsi   2022-06-01 01:38:12  点击:38

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  少儿英语故事:Playing Chess with a Dog和狗下棋
  Playing Chess with a Dog   A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with watched the game in astonishment for a while. "I can hardly believe myeyes!" heexclaimed , "That's the smartest dog I' ve ever seen.""Nah,he' s not so smart," the friend replied , "I' ve beaten him threegame sout of five."   和狗下棋   一个人去拜访朋友,他很惊讶朋友在和狗下棋。他吃惊地看了一会儿他们下棋,而后大叫到:“我不能相信我的眼睛!这可是我见过的聪明的狗。“他的朋友回答说:“他可没那么聪明.我们下了五盘棋我就赢了三盘.“