总算理解少儿英语故事:Beware of Dog危险的狗
总算理解少儿英语故事:Beware of Dog危险的狗

总算理解少儿英语故事:Beware of Dog危险的狗

作者:qxsi   2022-06-01 01:57:20  点击:31

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  少儿英语故事:Beware of Dog危险的狗
  Beware of Dog   Upon entering a little country store,the stranger noticed a signwarning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" it posted on the glass , he noticed aharmless old hound dog sleeping on the floor beside the cash register.   "Is the dog that folks are supposed to beware of?" he asked theowner. "Yep,that' s him," came the stranger couldn' t help but beamused. "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog in the worldwould you post that sign?"   "Because," the owner explained, "Before I posted that sign,people kepttripping over him."
  危险的狗   在进入一个乡村小店的时候,陌生人注意到玻璃门上贴的一个警告,上面写着:危险!小心有狗!他发现店里面收银机旁边的地板上睡着一条看起来没有任何恶意的老猎狗。   他问店主:“我们要当心的就是那条狗吗?”店主回答:“是的。就是它.”陌生人不禁有些吃惊,他说:‘我觉得那条狗看起来一点也不危险。你究竟为什么要贴那样一条警告呢?”   店主解释道:“那是因为在我贴警告之前,总是有人被它绊倒.”