热搜少儿英语故事:Seeing Eye Chihuahua吉娃娃
热搜少儿英语故事:Seeing Eye Chihuahua吉娃娃

热搜少儿英语故事:Seeing Eye Chihuahua吉娃娃

作者:qxsi   2022-06-01 02:01:47  点击:31

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  少儿英语故事:Seeing Eye Chihuahua吉娃娃   Seeing Eye Chihuahua   Here's a guy wth a Dober man Pincer and aguy with a guy withthe Dober man Pincer says to the guy with a Chihuahua, "Let' s go over to thatrestaurant and get something to eat." The guy with the Chihuahua says, "Wecan' t go ' ve got dogs with us." The guy with the Doberman Pincersays, "Just follow my lead." They walk over to the restaurant,the guy with theDober man Pincer put son a pair of dark glasses and he starts to walk in.   A guy at the door says, "Sorry,Mac,no pets allowed." The guy with theDober man Pincer says, "You don' t under is my seeing-eye dog." Theguy at the door says, "A Doberman Pincer?" He says, "Yes,they' re using themnow,they' reverygood." The guy at the door says, "Comein." The guy with the Chihuahua figures, "Hey,why not?" so he puts on a pair ofdark glasses and starts to walk guy at the door says, "Sorry,pal,no petsallowed." The guy with the Chihuahua says, "You don' t under is myseeing-eye dog." The guy at the door says, "A Chihuahua?" The guy with theChihuahua says, "You mean they give me a Chihuahua!?"   吉娃娃   有一个人养了条杜宾犬,还有一个人养了条吉娃娃.养了杜宾犬的人对养了吉娃娃的人说:“咱们去那个餐馆吃点儿东西吧。”养吉娃娃的人说:“去不了,咱俩可都带着狗呢。”带看杜宾犬的人说:“跟我走吧。”他们走到餐馆门口,带着杜宾犬的人戴上了墨镜然后走了进去.   门童说:“不好意思啊,先生,宠物可不能带进来。’带着杜宾犬的人说:“你不知道吧,这个可是我导盲犬啊。”门童说:“牡宾犬可以导盲啊?”他说:“是的,现在都用杜宾犬导盲,很好用呢。”门童说:“进来吧。”   带着吉娃娃的人说:“我为什么不能这么做呢?”于是他也戴上了墨镜然后走了进去。门童说:“不好意思啊,先生,宠物可不能带进来。”带着吉娃娃的人说:“你不知道吧,这个是我的导盲犬啊。”门童说:“吉娃娃可以导盲啊?”带着吉娃娃的人说:“啊,你的意思是他们给了我条吉娃娃当导盲犬啊?”