

作者:qxsi   2022-06-03 08:36:55  点击:27

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接待客户常用英语中英文版:众所周知,市场的特点是在具有各种功能的出售和购买的公司之间强烈的个人交互作用。当公司建立跨民族边界的关系,语言、文化、教育和政治“国际的变量”等的差别被算入到国内市场所提供的东西上。因此建立人与人之间的关系在国际销售和采购方面很有必要。   招待来访客户是人际接触的一种方式,因此应该在这个方面给予其足够的重视。
 A: Good morning,Mrs. Brown.   B:Good morning,Mr. Wang. Haven't seen you for a long time. May I help you?   A: Can I see Mr. Black, your manager now?   B:Let me see if he is free. Would you please sit down and wait for a moment?   A:AII right.(after a while)B:The manager will come to see you in a few minutes.   A:Thank you very much. Mrs. Brown.   B:Not at all.
  A:早上好,布朗夫人。   B:早上好,王先生。好久不见您了。有什么需要帮助的吗?   A:我现在能见你们的经理布莱克先生吗?   B:我看看他现在忙不忙。请您坐下来等一会儿。   A:好的。   (过了一会儿)。   B:经理一会儿就出来见您,请您稍等。   A:非常感谢,布朗夫人。   B:不客气。
  A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Eastern Electronics?   B:Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Zhang.   A:Yes, I am here to meet you today. Wellcome to Beijing.   B:Thanks for meeting me at the airport!   A:My pleasure. I'm delighted to meet 've heard so much about you from .   B:Glad to meet you, too. I have been loo-king forward to visiting your country. And now I'm here.   A;The more you know about our country,the more you'll like it. I'm sure you'll havea pleasant stay here.   B:I'm expecting.   A: is having a meeting now. He'll come to see you later at the give me your luggage check, andI'll get them for you.   B:Thank you,here you are. I'm sure I cancount on you for help during my stay here.

A:请问,您是来自东方电子公司的史密斯先生吗?   B:是的,我就是。您一定是张先生吧?   A:是的,今天我到这里来接您。欢迎来到北京。   B;谢谢您到机场来接我!   A:乐意效劳。见到您真高兴。我已经从刘先生那里了解了您的很多情况。   B:也很高兴见到你。我一直期待着参观你们的国家,现在我终于来了。   A:对我们的国家了解得越多,您就会越喜欢它。在这里您一定会过得很愉快。   B:我很期待。   A:怀特先生正在开会,一会儿他会来宾馆见您。请把您的行李票给我,我去帮您取来。   B;谢谢,给你票。在此期间我肯定会得到您的帮助。
  A:Excuse me, are you Miss Annie?   B:Yes, I am from South America.   A:May I introduce myself first? I am from Galaxy import and Export name is Wang Jun.   B:How do you do? Thank you for picking us up.   A:It's my pleasure.   B:Mr Wang, this is Tom and this is George. They are from the branch department of our company.   A:How do you do? There is a car in the exit. Let's go in this way.      A:对不起,您是安妮小姐吧?   B:是的,我来自南美。   A:请允许我自我介绍一下。我来自天河进出口公司,我叫王军。   B;您好。谢谢您专程来接我们。   A:请别客气。   B:王先生,这两位是分部的汤姆和乔治。   A:你们好!我们在出口处安排了车,请这边走。