

作者:qxsi   2022-06-10 17:50:55  点击:36

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  【题目分析】   Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think the purpose of museums Is to educate,not to entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  核心词汇:museum   文章结构:辩论型对称式话题
  Among all public facilities in modem society, the museum is a magic place for most teenagers,0As it is so fundamental, there is always a debate whether it is an enlightening or an entertaining place. Personally, both functions appear in different museums in special ways.
  From the educational side, the museum does play an educative role in relevant areas: For one thing, visiting museums for students is a meaningful journey, which is also a kind of practice without classrooms or textbooks, but just the materials telling the history themselves. For another,most schools organize museum visiting in groups. Namely, students are able to communicate with each other using brand new topics such as art, history and zoology sometimes. Thus,museums are the second school for teenagers.
  From the entertaining side, the museum also fascinates people's interests and curiosity nematter whether they are adults or the youth: First, it is the museum that provides people with a great place to relax themselves, physically and psychologically. In other words,people tend to play in the museum rather than learn in the museum. Second, with all these entertaining functions, it is easy for museums to be transformed into a popular place for social communication, especially for those people with the same hobbies. In fact, many museums plan to hold some theme expos to attract more visitors.
  To sum up, no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to group all museums into one category On the contrary, different museums have different functions in modem society, just like clothes,some people wearing for warming, others for fashion. In the multi-cultural society, the only thing we should not do is never to put all things into a group.   【范文翻译】
  总之。无论我们如何努力尝试。都不可能将博物馆划分为一类。相反。不同的博物馆在现代社会拥有不同的功能。就像衣服一样。一些人穿衣是为了保暖。还有一些人是为了时尚。在多元化的社会。我们罕有的不该做的事情便是想要把所有事物都划归为一类。   以上就是广州环球雅思小编为您整理的关于博物馆文化的雅思作文范文。博物馆文化能对孩子有多大的促进作用,你认为呢?小编提醒大家,雅思考试需努力,雅思-拒绝“二战”。