

作者:qxsi   2022-06-11 03:07:14  点击:30

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  A: Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?   B: I want to send a cable first, then send an you please give me a blank? What's the rate?   A: If you send your cable full rate, it's 20 cents perword, minimum charge one dollar; if it's urgent,the rate will be doubled.   B: I'll send it as "urgent".   A: By the way, please write them in capital letters.   B: All right. Is it OK? How much is it?   A: That will be $. Anything else I can do for you?   B: Yes. This invoice is very important and I want tosend it to a company in London.   A: I suppose you would like to have it registered.   B: Yes. How long will it take?   A: about a week.   B: Oh no, it's too late. Any other faster means? I wantit to reach our client as early as possible. Money isno object.   A: In that case, I'd suggest you send it special deliveryor express. By special delivery, it takes about onlyone day.   B: That's good. I'll send it special delivery. What'sthe postage?   A: $30 for the stamp, $ for the cable. All togetheris $.   B: OK,妙the way, I have a money order to cash.   A: Sign your name here, Madam. Have you broughtyour ID card with you?   B: Yes, here you are.
  A:早上好,太太,有什么事情需要帮助吗?   B:我想发一个电报并邮寄一张发票。给我一张表好吗?价格是多少?   A:如果全价的话,每个单词20分,低一美元,如果加急的话,价格加倍。   B:我发加急电报。   A:顺便说一下,请用大写字母写。   B:是的,可以了吗?多少钱?   A:美元。还有什么需要帮助的吗?   B:是的,这个发票很重要,我想把它寄往伦敦的一个公司。   A:我想你需要寄挂号信。   B:好的,要多长时间?   A:大约一星期。   B:不,太晚了,有其他快点儿的方式吗?我想让它尽快到达我们的委托人手里,钱不是问题。人那样的话,我建议您用特快专递,那只需一夭。   B:太好了,我用特快专递,邮资是多少?   A:30美元的邮票,美元的电报,一共是美元。   B:好的,顺便说一下,我要取汇款。   A:请在这儿签上您的名,女士。您带身份证了吗?   B:是的,给你。