

作者:qxsi   2022-06-12 09:02:28  点击:26

未认证 谨防假冒!


  1 What is your strongest point? 你长处是什么?   A: What is your strongest point?   B: I'm a hard worker.   甲:你长处是什么?   乙:我工作很努力。   ■ Plus Plus:   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   What is your greatest strength?   What is your best quality?
  2 I'm an expert at math. 我是数学方面的专家。   A: What do you know about math?   B: To be frank, I'm an expert at it.   A: How can you prove that?   甲:关于数学你都了解些什么?   乙:坦白来说,我是数学方面的专家。   甲:你怎么能证明呢?   ■ Plus Plus:   be an expert at sth.的意思是“在某方面是专家”,还可以用介词on和in,在表达“我擅长……”时,就可以用这个短语。   to be frank表达的意思是“坦白地说”,类似的表达还可以用:   to speak frankly   frankly speaking   to be honest
  3 I'm adept at executive management. 我善于做行政管理。   A: What's your strongest point?   B: I'm adept at executive management.   甲:你的强项是什么?   乙:我善于做行政管理。   ■ Plus Plus:   询问你有什么强项、优势时,面试官也可能这样问:   What are your greatest strengths? 你长处是什么?   What are some things you are good at? 你擅长什么?
  4 I do well at communicating in English. 我擅长用英语交流。   A: Do you have any strong points?   B: Yes. I do well at communicating in English.   A: Excellent! Could you please introduce yourself in English?   甲:你有什么强项吗?   乙:是的。我擅长用英语交流。   甲:太好了!那请你用英语作一下自我介绍。
  5 I'm accomplished in computer operation. 我精通计算机操作。   A: What advantage do you think you have?   B: I'm accomplished in computer operation.   A: That's good. What other skills do you have?   甲:你认为自己有什么优势?   乙:我精通计算机操作。   甲:很好。还有别的技能吗?   ■ Plus Plus:   computer operation指的是“计算机操作”,计算机操作的技能是现在工作中必备的技能,“计算机的基本操作”则表示为basic computer operation。
  6 My main advantage is my deep sense of duty. 我的优势在于我有很强的责任心。   A: What're your advantages and disadvantages?   B: My main advantage is my deep sense of duty. A quick temper is my weak point.   甲:你的优点和缺点是什么?   乙:我的优势在于我有很强的责任心。急性子是我的缺点。   ■ Plus Plus:   表示“优势,优点”的词有:advantage、strength、merit、strong point。   表示“劣势,缺点”的词有:disadvantage、weakness、demerit、weak point、defect、fault。   在表明优势时,可以利用以下表达:   be (an) expert at/in/on /doing… 擅长(做)某事物   be adept at/in doing… 善于做某事   be accomplished in… 擅长或精通某事物   be good at…/doing… 擅长(做)某事物   do well in doing… 擅长做某事
  7 My greatest strength is being able to understand a customer's needs. 我长处是能够了解客户的需求。   A: What are your greatest strengths?   B: My greatest strength is being able to understand a customer's needs.   甲:你长处是什么?   乙:我长处是能够了解客户的需求。
  8 My strong points are probably managing people and planning. 我的强项应该是管理和企划。   A: What are some things you are good at?   B: My strong points are probably managing people and planning.   甲:你擅长什么?   乙:我的强项应该是管理和企划。
  9 What are your weak points? 你的缺点是什么?   A: What are your weak points?   B: I take criticism very personally.   甲:你的缺点是什么?   乙:我容易把批评当作针对个人的攻击。   ■ Plus Plus:   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   What are your areas of weakness?
  10 One weak point I have is that I lack an understanding of finance. 我的弱点之一是缺乏金融知识。   A: What are your weak points?   B: One weak point I have is that I lack an understanding of finance.   甲:你有什么弱点?   乙:我的弱点之一是缺乏金融知识。   ■ Plus Plus:   lack的意思是“缺乏,没有”,是及物动词,可直接接宾语,在面试时表达自己不具备某种技能就可以用这个词。
  11 Something that I'm not too good at is English writing. 我不擅长英文写作。   A: What are your shortcomings?   B: Something that I'm not too good at is English writing.   甲:你的缺点是什么?   乙:我不擅长英文写作。
  12 I lack work experience. 我缺乏工作经验。   A: What shortcomings do you have?   B: I lack work experience, but I'm sure I can make up for it in the future.   A: So how do you plan to remedy this?   甲:你的弱项是什么?   乙:我缺乏工作经验,但我确信自己会在今后的工作中弥补这点的。   甲:那你是打算怎么弥补呢?   ■ Plus Plus:   shortcoming是“缺点,短处”的意思,例如:In spite of his shortcoming, I get along well with him. 尽管他有缺点,可我与他相处很好。   make up for表示的是“弥补,补偿”,相当于compensate for或remedy。   frank [fr16k] adj. 坦白的   shortcoming ['53:t'k8mi6] n. 缺点executive [ig'zekjutiv] adj. 行政的remedy ['remidi] vt. 补救   be adept at 精于,善于   do well at 擅长于   be accomplished in 擅长   sense of duty 责任感   make up for 弥补