

作者:qxsi   2022-06-12 12:07:14  点击:31

未认证 谨防假冒!


  (1) As far as I am concerned,_________.   在我看来,_________。
  (2) As far as I am able to judge,_________ .   我所能做的判断是,_________。
  (3) As for me,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (4) As I see it,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (5) In my opinion,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (6) For my part,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (7) In my view/From my point of view,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (8) From my own perspective,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (9) I would point out that_________ .   我要指出的是,_________。
  (10) I am convinced that_________ .   我确信,_________。
  (11) Speaking for myself,_________ .   在我看来,_________。
  (12) It seems quite clear to me that_________ .   很显然,我认为_________。
  (1) I would go along with this point of view.   我同意这个观点。
  (2) I would agree with this point of view.   我同意这个观点。
  (3) As far as I am concerned, this proposal seems both sound and well-grounded.   在我看来,这个提议即合理又有根据。
  (4) As for me, I share this point of view.   在我看来,我同意这个观点。
  (5) I totally agree with this statement, and I will explain why this is the case.   我完全同意上述观点,我将解释为什么。
  (6) To be frank, I agree with their opinion for the reasons below.   坦率地说,我同意他们的意见,理由如下。
  (1) I am against this point of view.   我不同意这个观点。
  (2) I disapprove of this point of view.   我不同意这个观点。
  (3) I am opposed to this point of view.   我反对这个观点。
  (4) As far as I am concerned, however, this point of view seems a bit absurd and ridiculous.   然而,在我看来,这个观点有点荒谬可笑。
  (5) A scrutiny of these arguments would reveal how fallacious they are.   详细审查这些论点揭示出它们是多么的荒谬。
  (6) But if I am concerned, I can only disagree with the statement and the reasons are given below.   但是,我不同意上述观点,理由如下。
  (7) Again, I would state my objection to this issue after analyzing the following three reasons.   在分析下面三个原因后,我对此观点表示反对。
  (8) I totally disagree with this statement, and I will explain why this is the case.   我完全不同意上述观点,我将解释为什么。
  (9) However, I do not think that this view can hold water.   但是,我不认为这个观点站得住脚。
  (10) Carefully weighing in the mind, we can easily find how fallacious they are.   仔细权衡之后,我们极易发现它们是不合理的。
  (11) At first thought, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it does not bear closer analysis.   一开始好像是一个有吸引力的主意,但它却经不起更深入的分析。
  (12) To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below.   坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。
  (1) Personally, I am in favor of the former(latter)point of view.   我个人更喜欢前(后)者的观点。
  (2) Speaking for myself, I could not agree more to/with the former(latter)opinion.   在我看来,我非常同意前(后)面的观点。
  (3) For my part, I absolutely/wholeheartedly/totally/completelyagree with/approve of/consent to/am for/share/side withthe former(latter)point of view.   在我看来,我完全同意前(后)一个观点。
  (4) For my part, I would go along with the former(latter)point of view.   在我看来,我赞同前(后)面的观点。