

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 00:07:48  点击:28

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  关于旅游拍照的常用英语口语,英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,实用英语日常口语属于非正式口语。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,美联英语为您提供关于旅游拍照的常用英语口语,一起来学习一下。   A: I think a picture of you and your mother together would be better.   B: Good idea. Get the pagoda in the background, will you?   A: Yes, 1 will. Don't move, and say “cheese”。 I'm sure this one is well photographed.
  A:我看你跟***妈一起照更好一些。   B:好主意,把宝塔带进背景中去好吗?   A:好的,我会的。别动,说“茄子”,我肯定这一张拍得很好。
  A: Do you know how to work the camera?   B: Yes, I know. I'm an amateur photographer.   A: How about taking a picture of me?   B: It's my pleasure.   A: Be sure to keep the waterfall within the view-finder.   B: No problem.
  A:你知道这架相机怎么用吗?   B:知道。我是个业余摄影师。   A:给我拍一张怎么样?   B:乐于为你效劳。   A:千万要把那瀑布收在取景框内。   B:没问题。
  A: It's said that there is a famous park nearby?   B: Yes, that's right.   A: Have you been there?   B: Yes, the views are spectacular. There are also animals in the park.   A: Is it dangerous?   B: No, animals like deer.   A: I would like to go sometime.   B: How about tomorrow?   A: That's OK.   B: Don't forget to bring your camera with you then.   A: I won't.
  A:听说附近有个有名的公园。   B:是的,没错。   A:你去过吗?   B:去过,景象壮丽。公园里还有动物。   A:危险吗?   B:不危险,像鹿什么的。   A:我也想找时间去。   B:明天怎么样?   A:行。   B:到时候不要忘了带上你的相机。   A:不会忘的。
  A: Look at those beautiful paintings. Let's take pictures of them.   B: But I'm afraid we can't take pictures in the museum.   A: Are you sure?   B: Of course. There is no doubt about it.   A: I guess you are right. There is a sign over there that says “No Photos”。   B: You've got it.   A: Yes, what a pity.   B: I think so.
  A:看那些画多美。我们拍下来吧。   B:可是我们恐怕不能在博物馆里拍照。   A:你肯定?   B:当然。那是毫无疑问的。   A:我想你是对的。那边有一个标牌,上面写着“禁止拍照”。   B:你知道啦。   A:知道了,真遗憾。   B:我这么认为。