

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 01:26:06  点击:19

未认证 谨防假冒!


  关于旅行准备的常用英语口语,英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,实用英语日常口语属于非正式口语。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,美联英语为您提供关于旅行准备的常用英语口语,一起来学习一下。   A: Good morning. I prefer a package tour with my family. Where do you suggest I should visit?   B: Why not enjoy the exotic scenery in Sweden?   A: A good idea! May I have a travel brochure?   B: Yes, here it is. It tells you about the tour in detail.
  A:早上好。我想和家人去包价旅行。你建议我们应该去哪里玩?   B:为什么不去领略一下瑞典的异国风景呢?   A:好主意。我可以拿一份旅游手册吗?   B:可以,这就是。上面就旅行有详细的说明。
  A: Are there any flights for Thailand available?   B: Yes, Sir. Flight 4309 for Thailand at 11 . Is that OK?   A: I'm afraid it's tight-scheduled. I'm going sight-seeing there.   B: How about Flight 7082 at 8 . this Thursday?   A: Good.   B: Your passport, please. Return or single?   A: Single, and a non-smoking seat by the window,please.
  A:有飞往泰国的航班吗?   B:有,先生。明天上午11点4309航班可以吗?   A:恐怕时间太紧了。我想在这儿观光。   B:那周四上午8点7082航班怎么样?   A:好。   B:请出示你的护照。往返票还是单程票?   A:单程票,请帮我选靠窗不吸烟的座位。
  A: Sweet, have you got everything packed? Where are your passport and visa? Oh, yes, where are your traveler's check and credit card?   B: Take it easy, Mom. All of them are in my handbag and it will be with me at any time in any place.   A: Good. And remember that you have nothing to declare when you arrive there, so just walk through the green channel.   B: I'll remember, Mom.
  A:亲爱的,你把所有东西都整理好了吗?你的护照和签证放哪里了?哦,对了,你的旅行支票和信用卡在哪里?   B:别着急,妈妈。它们都放在我的手提包里了,而且无论何时何地,我会把手提包随身带着。   A:好。记住你到那儿的时候没有物品申报,所以只要走绿色通道。   B:我会记住的。妈妈。
  A: Thank you for calling American Airlines. How may I help you?   B: I'd like to make a reservation for one passenger on April 20th to Tokyo.   A: What time of day?   B: Before 5:00 .   A: OK, ma'am. We have a flight at 3:27 .   B: That sounds great.   A: OK, ma'am. We have a seat on row 19. Please let me get your name.   B: Good. My name is Sarah Hill.   A: The confirmation number is 139-277.   B: OK. Thank you for your help! Good bye.
  A:谢谢您打电话来美国航空公司。您有什么事儿?   B:我想预订一个4月20日到东京的机位。   A:几点的?   B:下午5点以前。   A:好的,小姐。我们有一班下午3:27的班机。   B:太好了。   A:好了,小姐。我们有一个19排的座位。您的名字?   B:好的。我叫莎拉·希尔。   A:确认号码是.   B:好的,谢谢你帮忙!再见。