

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 01:57:51  点击:30

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  关于婚姻生活的常用英语口语,英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,实用英语日常口语属于非正式口语。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,美联英语为您提供关于结婚消息的常用英语口语,一起来学习一下。   A: Honey, please listen to my explanation!   B: Nope! It's too late!   A: It's all my fault! I shouldn't have forgotten your birthday.   B: Don't be boring me!   A: It'll never happen again. Please forgive me!   B: I hate you!   A:亲爱的,请听我解释!   B:不!太晚了!   A:都是我的错,我不应该忘记你的生日。   B:别烦我!   A:再也不会这样了。请原谅我吧!   B:我恨你!   A: Honey, here's the gift for you. Happy anniversary!   B: Thank you, darling.   A: I can't believe it's our 20th anniversary!   B: How time flies!   A: Thank you for the 20 wonderful years. I'm the happiest wife in the world!   B: Loving you is the greatest happiness for me.   A:亲爱的,这是给你的礼物,结婚纪念日快乐!   B:谢谢亲爱的。   A:真不敢相信这都是我们第20个结婚纪念日了!   B:时光飞逝啊!   A:谢谢你带给我这美好的20年,我是世界上幸福的妻子!   B:爱你就是我幸福。   A: Darling, where shall we go for dinner tonight?   B: Tonight? Sorry, I've an appointment with my client.   A: So you've forgotten?   B: What?   A: Oh, my God! Today is our 1st anniversary! How dare you forget!   B: Ha-ha! I'm kidding! Here's your gift!   A:亲爱的,我们今天晚上去哪儿吃饭?   B:今天晚上?对不起,我约了客户。   A:那就是说你忘了?   B:什么?   A:天哪!今天是我们结婚一周年的日子,你竟敢忘了!   B:哈哈,我开玩笑呢,这是你的礼物!   A: Have you heard Miss Liu got divorced last week?   B: Really? But why? They just got married for half a year!   A: She just said it's because of personality clashes. You know they knew each other on the matchmakinggathering and went into this quickie marriage then.   B: Maybe they only know it is good for being together but lack of the basic understanding of the responsibilities and obligations of marriage.   A: Yeah. In most young people's mind, real love is all about passion. Marriage is dead once the passion is gone.   A:你听说了吗,小刘上星期离婚了。   B:真的?那为什么呀?他们刚结婚半年。   A:她只是说性格不和。你知道他们是在一个相亲聚会上认识的,然后就草草结婚了。   B:可能他们只知道在一起很好,但缺乏对婚姻的责任和义务的基本了解。   A:是呀,很多年轻人以为真爱就是激情,一旦激情过去了,婚姻也就结束了。