

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 03:16:06  点击:25

未认证 谨防假冒!


  关于表示感谢的常用英语口语,英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,实用英语日常口语属于非正式口语。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,美联英语为您提供关于表示感谢的常用英语口语,一起来学习一下。   A: Alice, could you help me with this math problem?   B: Yes, of course. Let me take a look.   A: It seems very difficult. I've worked on it for a longtime but in vain.   B: Maybe we can try in this way. But I'm not sure.   A: Oh, it doesn't work.   B: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't.   A: Thank you al I the same.
  A:爱丽丝,你能帮我做这道数学题吗?   B:当然可以,让我看看。   A:好像很难,我做了很久但还是没做出来。   B:我们也许能这么做试试,但我也不太确定。   A:哦,这么做做不出来。   B:我很抱歉,恐怕我做不出来。   A:还是要谢谢你。
  A: Mrs. Lee, I've stayed here for almost a week. I really must leave tomorrow.   B: Please feel free to stay as long as you want. You know you're always welcome here.   A: Thank you. You've been so nice to me.   B: Is there anything else 1 can do for you before you leave?   A: No, thanks. You've done a lot for me already.   Thank you for everything.   B: Don't mention it. I've really enjoyed your company.
  A:李太太,我在这儿已经住了差不多一个星期了。我明天真得走了。   B:请随意,想住多久就住多久吧。你总是受欢迎的。   A:谢谢。你对我真好。   B:在你走之前还要我做点什么吗?   A:不用了,多谢。你已经为我做了很多,感谢你做的一切。   B:不必客气,有你的陪伴,我也很开心。
  A: Hello, Tom.   B: Lucy, you're back. Come in please. How are you?   A: Fine. only a little tired.   B: Have a good sleep, and you will recover soon.   A: Thank you very much for looking after my house in my absence.   B: That's all right. Would you like a cup of coffee?   A: Yes, please. It's very kind of you.   B: Don't mention it.
  A:嗨,汤姆。   B:露西,你回来了。快进来吧。还好吧?   A:还好,就是有点儿累。   B:好好睡一觉,你很快就会恢复的。   A:多谢你在我不在时替我照看房子。   B:没关系,喝杯咖啡吗?   A:好呀,你真是太好了。   B:别客气。
  A: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Bill Eden, sales manager?   B: This is Eden speaking.   A: Oh, hello, Mr. Eden. This is Zhang Li calling from Washington.   B: Oh, hello, Miss Zhang. How are you?   A: Fine, thanks and how are you, Mr. Eden? We're leaving Washington for China tomorrow. I just want to thank you again for everything you have done for us.   B: Don't mention it. I do hope that you and your friends have had a happy stay in our country, and will comeback to America some day in the future. Please give my best wishes to all my friends in China.   A: I'm sure we will have occasion to meet again. Bye.   B: And thanks for calling me, Bye. Have a safe journey home.
  A:喂,我想和销售经理比尔·埃顿先生讲话,可以吗?   B:我是埃顿。   A:你好,埃顿先生,我是张丽,从华盛顿给你打电话。   B:啊,是张小姐,你好吗?   A:很好,谢谢你,埃顿先生。我们明天将离开华盛顿回中国。我要再次感谢你为我们所做的一切。   B:没什么。我真希望你和你的朋友在我们国家生活快乐,将来有时间再来美国。请转达我对你的中国朋友的美好的祝愿。   A:我相信我们还会有机会相见的。再见。   B:谢谢你给我打电话,再见。祝你平安到家。