

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 04:47:35  点击:28

未认证 谨防假冒!


  A: Excuse me. Is this ACA Company Ltd. ?   B: Yes, that's right. What can I do for you?   A: I'd like to see your manager about the contract of per-sonal computer. Here's my card.   B: Thanks, Mr John. Take a seat, please. Have you an appointment with my manager?   A: No. But I need to have a talk with him. I've got some ideas about the contract.   B: I see. I'll see if he is free now. Would you please wait a moment?   A: OK.   B: I'm sorry. The manager is talking with a client from the USA. Maybe he can meet you thirty minutes later. Can you wait?   A: OK.
  A:请问,这是ACA有限公司吗?   B:是的。正是。有事吗?   A:我想见见你们的经理,谈谈有关个人电脑的合同一事。这是我的名片。   B:谢谢您,约翰先生。请坐,您同我们的经理有预约吗?   A:没有。不过我想与他谈谈。我有一些有关合同的想法。   B:我明白了。我去看一下经理是否有空。请您稍等,好吗?   A:好的。   B:很抱歉。经理正在同一位美国客户谈话。也许他30分钟后可以见您。您可以等一下吗?   A:好的。
  A: It was very nice of you both to take me to the airport.   B: Oh, it's our pleasure. You'll keep in touch with us at the office, won't you?   A: Of course. And please let me know if I can be of any help while I'm in Shandong?   B: Oh, what a great idea! Wouldn't a trip to Shandong be wonderful?   C: Well, the trip sounds wonderful but to be honest, the ex-change rate is too high.   B: You have a point there, but please, give it some thought.   We'd be more than happy to have you stay with us in Shandong.   C: Well, that's very nice of you.   B: It sounds like they're boarding now. Have a good trip!
  A:谢谢你们两位把我送机场来。   B:哪儿的话。您仍会通过这儿的办事处继续跟我们联络,是吧?   A:那当然,我在山东期间,如果有任何事我能帮得上忙的话,请告诉我。   B:对,那真是个好主意!去山东旅行不是很棒吗?   C:是啊,好像是很棒,可是说老实话,总觉得外汇兑换率太高了。   B:说的也是。但话说回来,还是请你们再考虑一下。到山东在我们家住的话,我们会更高兴。   C:啊!那太好了。   B:好像他们现在在登机了。祝您旅途愉快。
  A: Hello, Mr. Miller. Are you free next weekend?   B: Yes.   A: I'd like to visit you. We have something new you may be interested in.   B: Good.   A: When should we come?   B: At 7:00 next Sunday morning.   A: OK. See you then.
  A:嗨,米勒先生。下周末您有空吗?   B:有空。   A:我们想拜访您。现在我们有新产品,或许您会感兴趣。   B:很好。   A:我们什么时候过来合适?   B:下周日早上7点。   A:好的。到时见。