

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 21:08:19  点击:29

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  雅思口语旅游话题之发展旅游业的利弊:关于旅游度假的问题在口语考试的三个阶段都有出现。掌握旅游相关的知识是很有必要的,一起来看:雅思口语旅游话题之发展旅游业的利弊。   Tourism has positive effect on the economy where many new jobs have been created,especially in hotels, travel agencies and the craft and entertainment.
  Tourism improves the infrastructure development such as roads, water, electricity,telecom and cybercom.
  Tourism stimulates the cultural preservation. It inspires the preservation of food,fashion, festivals and physical history, but these tend to be superficial elements of aculture.
  Tourism improves foreign exchange and generates resources to import food, phar-maceuticals, technology, and consumer goods.
  Tourism may lead to environmental destruction. Plenty of natural beauty are convertedinto resorts for golf or playground.
  Tourism also leads to cultural destruction. It creates world mono-culture and freezesculture as performers.
  Although tourism creates employment opportunities, they are seasonal.
  The quietness of the scenic spots is destroyed. They become crowded and hustling.   更多雅思考试资讯请进入【广州启德教育】/member/   更多雅思考试培训请进入【广州雅思培训】