

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 21:31:31  点击:27

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  雅思口语范文之公共交通的优缺点:交通是人们日常生活衣食住行中不可缺少的一部分。关于交通方式的选择、交通问题的现状和解决办法是一个全球性的话题。因此这些问题也不可避免地成为雅思口语考试的高频话题。考官通常会从个人的经历体会问起,拓展到周围的人、存在的问题、你的对策等。考生应准备关于交通工具及其各自的优缺点、关于交通问题的表达方法等,熟练掌握相关词汇和句型。一起来看:雅思口语范文之公共交通的优缺点。   Public transportation is always one of the safest modes of travel.
  Most pubic coaches or buses are larger, newer and more substantial than autos or vans.
  For the government or individuals, the public transportation is more economical and efficient.
  Public transportation helps relieve traffic congestion, reducing hours of delay in major travel corridors.
  Public transportation helps to relieve the crowded network of roads by providingtransportation choices.
  Emissions from road vehicles are the largest contributors to smog, while publictransportation helps promote cleaner air by reducing automobile use.
  The supply of oil is finite. Public transportation is crucial in helping to save energy by using it wisely.
  Studies have shown that the ability to travel in an area conveniently. without a car,is an important component of a community's livability.
  Public transportation provides opportunity, access, choice and freedom, all of which contribute to an improved quality of life.   更多雅思考试资讯请进入【广州雅思英语】/member/   更多雅思考试培训请进入【广州雅思培训】