

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 22:41:20  点击:36

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  考题重现:Some people believe that public health should be improved by increasingthe number of sports facilities, while others believe that it has little effectsand other measures should be taken to solve this problem. Discuss bothviews and give your opinion.
  核心词汇:public health, sports facilities, other measures

  Which way is the most efficient way to improve people's health? Some people believe thatgovernments should build more sports facilities in residential areas in order to provide morechances for citizens to do exercises. Heothers believe that there arc other ways to do , both sides of the issue should be taken into consideration.
  Admittedly, sports facilities have their own unique benefits. Firstly, it is possible for people todo practice in their spare time no matter where and when they want to do so. In other words, ifpeople want to do sports regularly, their healthy condition can be improved generally. Secondly, itis the government's duty to do so. Governments have obligations to ensure the public health asone of their missions. Without the investment of governments, it is impossible for any individualto build many facilities in the city. A study conducted by Peking University in 2009 impliedthat the investment from government for sport was %, while the investment from individualswas only %.
  However, the definition of health has many other meanings. And there arc two main sections:physical ones and psychological ones. For physical aspect, people should have the habit of having healthy foods such as “green” foods like seafood and fruits. In other words, it isimportant for governments to put healthy awareness into people's daily life. For psychologicalaspect, overwork and cumulative pressure from both work and life make people feel tired. Torelieve one's pressure to some extent is a good way to keep healthy. Therefore, the governmentshould draw up some laws to limit the working time for its citizens.
  In summary, both sports and other ways arc important for people to keep healthy. Therefore, tosolve this problem more efficiently and effectively, governments and experts should reconsiderthis issue more insightfully and prudently.   【范文译文】
  【亮点句型】   sb. has obligations to do sth.   某人有做某事的义务   Governments have obligations to ensure the public health as one of their missions.
  a study conducted by... implied that…   一项由……进行的研究表明·,·…   A study conducted by Peking University in 2009 implied that the investment from government for sport was %, while the investment from individuals was only %.
  the definition of sth. has many other meanings   某事的定义不仅限于此   However, the definition of health has many other meanings.
  it is important for sb. to put the awareness into sb.   某人将一种意识灌输给某人是很重要的   In other words, it is important for governments to put healthy awareness into people's daily life.   更多雅思考试资讯请进入【朗阁雅思】/member/   更多雅思考试培训请进入【广州朗阁雅思】