

作者:qxsi   2022-06-13 23:21:09  点击:26

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  考题重现:The authorities such as the government decide the subjects and lessoncontents. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?
  核心词汇:government decides the subjects, teachers decide the subjects

  A heated debate has begun on whether the government or the professor has more right todetermine students' subjects. Some may doubt the local government's authority in blueprintingthe outline for university subjects. However, in my opinion, governments offer more assistance tomake the correct resolution than teachers do.
  Although teachers arc the closest people who update their teaching methods according tostudents' personalities, their problem is that they lack a full-scale view when making decisions onnew subjects. In addition, subjects are related to teaching books, and teaching books are relatedto selling profits, which may mislead the process of subjects innovation.
  When it comes to the benefit of governmental decisions, three things should be mentioned:Firstly, compared with a teacher or a school, the authorities have more money, which is a mustfor this public affair. In other words, the more funds invested in this area, the better the outcomewill be. Secondly, no matter who is in charge of this project, individuals arc the key elementsin the first place. Obviously, it is more efficient for the government to assemble more talent atone time who can contribute advice regarding subject innovation and planning. Lastly, withoutpursuing benefits, the government is impartial, and thus it will have a full-scale awareness of thesystematic arrangement of college education.
  ln conclusion, governments arc more appropriate to make a blueprint and provide a platformfor college education, on which teachers play vital roles in teaching and cultivating.   【范文译文】




  【亮点句型】   whether A or B has more right to do sth.   A或B谁更有权力做某事   A heated debate has begun on whether the government or the professor has more right to determine students' subjects.
  A is related to B, and B is related to C.   A和B有关.而B和C有关   In addition, subjects are related to teaching books, and teaching books are related to selling profits, which may mislead the process of subjects innovation.
  compared with A, B has more…   与A相比,B拥有更多的……   …Firstly, compared with a teacher or a school, the authorities have more money that is a must for this public affair.
  sb. plays a role in sth./ doing sth.   某人在某事中起到了某种作用   In conclusion, governments are more appropriate to make a blueprint and provide a platform for college education, on which teachers play vital roles in teaching and cultivating.   更多雅思考试资讯请进入【广州环球雅思学校】