

作者:qxsi   2022-06-14 09:27:52  点击:25

未认证 谨防假冒!


  工作压力大用英语怎么说?Under the gun就是一个人为了在限定的时间内完成一项任务,或者是解决一个问题而受到很大的压力,几乎就好像有人拿着枪逼着他把事情干完一样。那么,工作压力大用英语怎么说? 核心词汇   cheerful   diverse   essential   exhausted   fed up   overwhelm   relieve   愉快的,高兴的   不同的,变化多的   本质的,实质的   筋疲力尽的   厌烦   淹没,覆没   减轻,解除 核心句子   I feel a little tired from the work.   做这工作,我觉得有点儿累。   I'm really exhausted.   我快累死了。
  I'm burning the candle at both ends.   我在疲于奔命。   I've got my irons in too many fires.   我参与的事太多了。
  I'm trying to do too much.   我想做的事太多了。   I have no time to call my own.   我累得分不清东南西北了。
  I must have tired myself out.   我一定过于劳累了。   I feel like a lump noodle.   我累得不能动了。
  I'm so busy. I'd really appreciate any help I could get.   我忙得四脚朝天。有人帮帮我就好了。   I don't even have time to catch my breath.   我连喘口气的工夫都没有。
  I'm too busy to bother with such details.   我太忙了,顾不上那么琐碎的事。   I'm worn out from the rush hour.   这样繁忙使我精疲力竭了。
  You're working hard.   你工作太辛苦了。   Take it easy.   放轻松些。 情景对话   A:You're not looking very cheerful. What's the matter with you?   B:Oh, nothing special. I'm just a hit fed up.   A:With your job?   B:With everything, with catching the same bus every morning ,sitting in the same office all day and watching the sametelevision programs.   A:You need a vacation. You've been burning the candle at both ends。   A:你看上去情绪不高,怎么了?   B:噢,没什么特别的事情,就是有一点儿烦。   A:烦工作?   B:烦所有的事情,讨厌每天早上赶同一班公交车,讨厌整天坐在同一间办公室里,讨厌看同样的电视节目。   A:你需要放个假了。你近有点疲于奔命。   A:Dick, you look pale. What happened?   B:I didn't sleep a wink last night.   A:Did you have something on your mind ? You look so concerned!Maybe I can help youB:Well , I'm under a lot of pressure. My boss is very pushy. He assigned me two projects. Now the deadlines are near and I still haven't finished one.   A: Is there anything I can do for you?   B:Well , I guess no one can help me but myself. For the moment, I just need someone to talk toso that I can relieve my stress.   A:I know your feeling. Take it easy.   A:迪克,你面色苍白。怎么了?   B:我昨晚根本没睡觉。   A:你在想什么事吗?你看起来很专注啊,也许我可以帮帮你。   B:我近压力很大。我老板太严格了,一下让我做2个项目,我一个都没做完呢。   A:我能帮上什么忙吗?   B:哎,我想我只能靠自己了。现在我只需要一个可以说话的人。   A:我理解你的感受。放轻松!现在期限就要到了,可让我缓解一下压力   更多商务英语资讯请进入【上海汉普森英语】/member/