

作者:qxsi   2022-06-14 10:00:48  点击:32

未认证 谨防假冒!


  邀请某人做某事用英语怎么说?你知道如何作出正式的英语邀吗?怎么用英语来邀请朋友出去吃饭或者一起去看个电影?那如果你收到了邀请,又应如何回复呢?关于“邀请”,这里面还真有不少学问呢!”让我们一起学习一下,邀请某人做某事用英语怎么说? 核心词汇   appointment   convenient   get-together   go boating   Spare   约会   便利的,方便的   聚会;联欢会   去划船   省下,提供 核心句子   I'd like to make an appointment this Saturday.我   想在这个星期六约个时间见面。   Can I see you this afternoon?   今天下午我可以和您约个时间见面吗?
  Do you think you could come to my home this afternoon?   你看你今天下午能来我家吗?   I'd like to make an appointment with you.   我想约个时间同你见面。
  I wonder whether you could spare me half an hour tomorrow.   不知你明天能否给我半小时的时间。   Thanks for your invitation. I'd he delighted to.   谢谢你的邀请。我很高兴去。
  Thanks. I'd like to have dinner with you on Monday.   谢谢。我愿意周一跟你去吃饭。   Sure. That would be fun.   当然。那应该很好玩的。
  Sure. That would be wonderful.   当然,那应当很不错。   What a nice idea!I'd really like that.   这个主意真好!我真的很喜欢。
  What a terrific idea ! I'd love to.   多棒的主意啊!我愿意。   Sounds great!   听上去很不错啊。
  Sounds like fun!   听上去挺有意思。   Sure (thing)!   说定了! 情景对话   A:Hi,Mr. Wang. Do you feel like going boating with me?   B:Sounds interesting. I haven't gone boating for some time. Andwhat time?   A:How about tomorrow afternoon.   B:Sure. Where shall I meet you?   A:At the gate of the park.   B:Great. I look forward to meeting you.   A:See you then.   B:See you.   A:王先生,您好,您愿意跟我去划船吗?   B:好极了!我已有好长一段时间没去划船了。什么时候去?   A:明天下午如何?   B:好的。我们在哪里见面?   A:公园门口。   B:太好了。到时见。   A;好,再见。   B:再见。   A:Would you like to come round for a meal on my birthday?   B: Oh yes. Thank you very much. That sounds lovely!What dayis your birthday?   A:It's next Friday,the 8th.   B:Oh, well, wait a minute. Let me look in my planner. rm not sure if I can. I have to play in a tennis match on Friday . Oh, what a pity。   A:How about later in the evening?   B:Oh yes , the evening is better.   A;我生日的时候您愿意来吃饭吗?   B;噢,太谢谢您了,这太好了。哪天是您的生日?   A:下星期五,8号。   B:嗯,好的。等一下,让我查一查我的日程安排。我说不准是否能来。星期五我得参加一场网球赛。哦,太可惜了!   A:晚上晚一些时候行吗?   B:好吧。晚上更好。   更多商务英语资讯请进入【佛山韦博英语】/member/