

作者:qxsi   2022-06-18 10:14:13  点击:34

未认证 谨防假冒!



  Wren I'm at home all alone,the cat is my best bud.   当我一个人在家的时候,猫咪就是我比较好的朋友。
  Keeping a pet may let you realize you have some responsibilities to shoulder.   养宠物能让你意识到需要承担一些责任。
  Supermarkets have counters for pet food.   超市里有出售宠物食品的专柜。
  This Chihuahua eats the most expensive dog food everyday,and has monthly grooming and annual physical examination at the vet's.   这只占娃娃犬,每天吃的是贵的狗粮,还要每月理发美容一次,每年去兽医那里体检一次。
  I'm thinking of getting a pet,but I don't know what kind.   我打算养只宠物,但是不知道养哪一种。
  Keeping a pet,requires a lot of time and energy.   养宠物需要大量的时间和精力。
  I'm too busy for a real pet,so l keep a lovely digital bunny in my mobile phone.   我太忙,不能养真正的宠物,所以我在手机里养了一只可爱的电子宠物兔。
  My cat was lively and energetic when she was a kitten .Now she becomes lazy and crouches in the sofa all day.   我的猫小时候非常活泼好动,现在变懒了,整天躺在沙发上。
  New regulations require registration for pets’ID and regular vaccinations.   新规定要求登记宠物身份信息,并定期带宠物去注射疫苗。
  Many young people like odd pets,such as lizards and snakes.   许多年轻人喜欢养稀奇古怪的宠物,比如蜘蝎和蛇。
  There's a pet renting service for urban people who don't have much time.   现在有专为繁忙的都市人开设的宠物租赁服务。
  Walking with my little puppy after dinner is the best daily relaxation .   晚饭后和小狗一起出去散步是我每天比较好的放松活动。

  A:Mary,can your clog do any tricks yet?   B:Oh,yeah!He can sit down,roll over,and even play (lead.   A:Really? Does he chase balls?   B:Yup. Hey,do you want to see a picture?See,he's eating lunch.   A:This can't he the same dog. He's so clean,he shines.   B:See,he's wagging his tail.   A:He's really cute. His howl even has his name on it.
  A:玛丽,你的狗会做什么表演了吗?   B;呢,会啊!它会坐下、打滚,还有装死。   A:真的?它会追球吗?   B;当然。嘿,你要看照片吗?看,它正在吃午餐。   A:这绝不是那只狗。它看上去这么干净,毛还闪闪发光呢。   B:你瞧,它正在摇尾巴。   A:它真的很可爱,它的碗上还有它的名字呢。