

作者:qxsi   2022-06-18 11:23:00  点击:37

未认证 谨防假冒!



  Where do you want to go for yourtravel?   你想去哪里旅游?
  I haven't made a decision. on where to travel.   我还役有决定去哪里旅游。  
 We had better know the weather clearly before we go there.   去那里之前,我们比较好清楚地知道那边的天气如何。
  You will not be adapted tom the foodthere.   你会不适应那边的饮食的。
  Our destination should be a secluded place.   我们的目的地应该是一个僻静之所。
  I feel plagued by not deciding where to go.   无法决定去哪里,这使我非常苦恼。
  I'm not quite sure whether to go to America or not.   我不能十分确定是否去美国。
  I have yearned for London for long, so I decide to go there.   我对伦敦向往已久,所以决定去那里。
  We have reached agreement on the final destination of London.   我们已经一致同意终目的地是伦敦。
  We will have flied to America by June.   到六月份的时候我们应该已经乘飞机抵达美国了。
  现在我们来体验一下真实情景   John: Where do you want to go for a travel?   Mary: I want to go to South Korea.   John: Really? But as far as I know, it is raining all day duringthis period.   Mary: Well, if so, I had better go to another place. By the way,how about you?   John: Well, I am plagued not being able to make a decision on whereto go.   Mary: Don't fret. I decide to go to London. Would you like to gothere with me?   John: Glad to. I have yearned for London for long.   Mary: OK. Let's imagine that we have already landed in London. Whata happy thing!

  约翰:你想去哪里旅游?   玛丽:我想去韩国。   约翰:真的吗?不过据我所知,这一段时间那里一直在下雨。   玛丽:好吧,要是这样的话,我比较好去另外一个地方。顺便问一下,你呢?   约翰:哎,我现在很苦恼,无法决定到底去哪里。   玛丽:不要苦恼。我决定去伦敦。你想和我一起去吗?   约翰:非常乐意。我对伦敦向往己久了。   玛丽:好的。让我们想象一下抵达伦敦时的情景吧。这是多么美好的一件事
