

作者:qxsi   2022-06-18 11:26:27  点击:50

未认证 谨防假冒!



  What is the validity of my passport?   我的护照有效期是多久?   Please come here to get your passport on time.   请按时来这里领取护照。   You can get your passport by express delivery.   你可以通过快递领取你的护照。   This is the first time for me to apply for a passport.   这是我第一次申请护照。   September 28th 2017 is the expiration date of your passport.   你的护照到期日是2021年9月。   现在我们来体验一下真实情景   Mary: I want to travel to America for some time. I feel excitedupon the thought of going there.   Mike: You must have a passport if you want to go abroad.   Mary: Oh, I forgot it.   Mike: Then you will have to delay your travel, because the passport application usually takes a month.   Mary: Well. Can you explain to me how to get a passport?   Mike: OK. You should prepare your residence booklet and ID cardwell, and go to migration office to manage it.   Mary: I was unlucky to lose my ID card two days ago.   Mike: Don't worry. You can take the temporary ID card to apply forthe passport.   Mary: Thank you.   (a month later)   Mary: Good news! I get my passport.   Mike: Congratulations!   Mary: This is my first time to apply for a passport. Without yourexplanation, I could not have applied for the passport successfully.   Mike: It's my pleasure. By the way, what is the validity of yourpassport?   Mary: It's a month.

  玛丽:我想到美国旅游一段时间,一想到要去那里,我就激动万分。   迈克:如果你想去国外,必须要有护照。   玛丽:哦,我忘了这点了。   迈克:那你必须要推迟旅游了,因为申请护照一般需要一个月的时间。   玛丽:好吧。你能为我解释一下怎样拿到护照吗?   迈克:好的。你应该准备好户口簿和身份证,然后到出入境管理处办理。   玛丽:很倒霉,我两天前把身份证给弄丢了。   迈克:不用担心。你可以携带临时身份证去申请护照。   玛丽:谢谢。   (一个月后)   玛丽:好消息!我拿到护照了。   迈克:祝贺你!   玛丽:这是我第一次申请护照。没有你的解释,我恐怕不会申请成功迈克:我很乐意这么做。顺便间一下,你的护照有效期是多久啊?   玛丽:一个月。
