

作者:qxsi   2022-06-18 23:06:36  点击:37

未认证 谨防假冒!


  The boiling summers of Austin, Texas instill in children of Austin the want desire to go to Sea World, probably the one in San Antonio, an hour long drive away. After school ends in May, the park is crowded with children. One summer break my parents decided to take us me there for a day.
  Everything in Sea World expectedly seemed to pertain to water and marine animals. We first went to watch a 3-D movie, where all the viewers wore a special pair of glasses. The movie was about a couple that got stranded on a desert island. In the beginning, monstrous waves and angry winds swayed their rickety boat from side to side, and, because the movie was three-dimensional, all of the audience were visibly frightened. Suddenly a shower of water sprayed over all of us, simulating the rainstorm. Some people shrieked, and after the movie's end, we emerged from the theater, looking as if we had just climbed out of the ocean.
  The seals dolphins attracted many people too; their performance was unmatched. They'd swim underwater to playfully push up a rainbow ball to on the land, or confidently crawl onto the stage and wave to onlookers. Of course, after every act trainers had to feed them fish, or else the seals dolphins would roll around lazily on the stage, refusing to cooperate. The biggest attraction, though, were the killer whales.
  Three to five of them would swim in circles rapidly, and sometimes trainers would stand on their backs. At a signal, two whales would simultaneously jump into the air, or swim from one side of the tank to the other, suddenly gaining air as they approached each other. These spectacular tricks gained cheers and whistles from the crowd. Sometimes the killer whales would do mischief though be mischievous, silently swimming toward the side of the tank nearest to the audience and lifting quickly its their enormous tail, splashing the first ten or so rows of the stands with water. Despite being thoroughly soaked, the good-humored audience members would laugh nonstop. The whale and the trainer had swum off already, to the amusement of the dry attendees.
  Next we went to an open-air stage, where seals, walruses, and their trainers performed a skit. The backdrop of the stage was a house with a door and windows. The well-practiced well trained animals would crawl out of windows or stroll out of the door,playing hide-and-seek with the trainer. When he left his plastic hammer on the stage and walked back into the house, a seal crawled out of the water and dragged the hammer through the window. After a while, the “surprised” trainer came back, and kids sitting in the front couldn't resist yelling “The seal took it! The seal took it! ” The seal would pop out of the water and splash the audience for “spoiling” its secret, drenching them completely.
  Dad suggested we ride a wooden boat roller coaster next. Park service members strapped our family into the boat, and with its mechanical force we were dragged to the top of a couple-dozen-feet-tall slope. Suddenly it fell, rushing through water and creating waves several feet high, scaring Mom so much that she screamed. Needless to say we got completely wet, and as we came down a camera took a photo of our awkwardness. We could purchase the picture if we want.
  One last thing is worth mentioning: there was a kiddy water playground. Rainbow-colored spots on the ground shot water as people walked over them, and toddlers ran about, screaming in delight. They stepped with ruddy feet on the circles, being sprayed with cool water, feeling so much joy that their parents couldn't pull them away.
  One who has not gotten completely wet drenched at Sea World really has not been to Sea World.   以上就是关于海洋馆的SAT作文范文,珠海启德教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。   Comments:The author led the reader, adult or child, to believe that Sea World is a place where kids are kids, and adults are free to become kids as well for a day. At times, it is more beneficial to use an exact word, such as “drenched” instead of “all wet. ” ? This eliminates unnecessary word usage.
  评语:无论读者是成人还是孩子,作者都能令其相信,海洋公园是这样一个地方:在那里,不但孩子是孩子,大人也可以惬意地变得跟孩子似的度过一天。有时候,使用更准确的词,比如drenched(湿透了)而非all wet(全都湿了)会更好。这可以避免使用不必要的单词。   珠海启德教育也为大家准备了关于海洋馆的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  如果有谁没在海洋公园里被淋湿过,那他就不算真正去过海洋公园。   以上就是关于海洋馆的SAT作文范文的翻译,珠海启德教育小编提醒您SAT写作考试的时间短,但是要求却很严,大家在备考SAT写作考试的时候,大家可以根据自己的实际情况,对范文的语言应用和例子的选择进行不同程度的准备,以便丰富自己的备考内容,对考试有更加全面的应对。