

作者:qxsi   2022-06-18 23:18:19  点击:35

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  Having too many cars in public transportation has become the biggest concern of manycountries in the world, not only because of the environmental pollution caused by its exhaust gas and irritating noise, but also the menace it poses to bicycle riders and , many gardens and grasslands give way to rapid development of traffic, leaving less and less space for citizens. Personally, I disagree with this lifestyle.   Admittedly, the development of road construction and the private car selling have stimulated the prosperity of the example, the increase in the employment rate, the sales of private cars and high taxes levied on car owners are what a government expects. But as a responsible government, it should have a long一term developing plan instead of just pursuing short-term responsible government should always give priority to people's appeal.   To make citizens satisfied, firstly, a government should preserve for the citizens more gardens and meadows, where people can spend weekends with their relatives. Gardens and meadows can also purify the air, creating a good environment for citizens. Secondly, a government should encourage the use of public transport and limit the ownership of private cars. Due to theeconomic development, many citizens can afford a private car. Take Beijing as an example, the sales of private cars increased by 50,000 per month. It is hard to imagine whether the current roads can accommodate such a large number of cars five years from now on. Finally, a government should consider the relation between economic development and environmental protection, leaving more green lands to our descendants.   To sum up, economic development and environmental protection do not contradict eachother. If a citizen is responsible, he or she should make great efforts to choose a comfortable living environment by reducing private cars.


  公共交通承载了过多汽车已成为世界上很多国家为关注的问题,这不仅因为汽车排放尾气和令人不悦的噪音而导致环境污染,还因为其对骑自行车的人以及行人构成了威胁。另外,很多花园、绿地都为交通的高速发展让路,使得居民的公共空间被一点一滴蚕食掉。就我个人而言,不太同意这样的生活方式。   必须承认,道路建设的发展以及私家车的销售促进了经济的繁荣。例如,政府希望由此增加就业率,汽车的销售额以及对车主的税款额。但是要是作为负责任的政府,就应该有长远的发展计划,而不是只看重眼前利益。一个负责任的政府总会把公民的诉求放在第一位。   为了让公民满意,首先政府应该为公民建造更多的花园和草地,这样人们就可以在周末与亲朋好友在这里共度美好时光。而且花园和绿地还能够清洁空气,给市民创造一个良好的环境。其次,政府应该鼓励公民乘坐公共交通工具出行,从而减少私家车数量。由于经济的发展,很多人现在都买得起车了。以北京为例,每月新增的私家车数量为5万辆。很难想象5年之后,现有道路能否适应如此庞大的汽车数量。后,政府应该重新考虑经济发展和环境保护之间的关系,给后代留下更多的绿地。   综上所述,经济发展和环境保护两者之间并不矛盾。如果公民富有责任心,那么就应该努力通过减少私家车来创造更为舒适的生活环境。
