

作者:qxsi   2022-06-19 01:11:17  点击:32

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  Topic:   Computers do not help children to learn more effectively. In addition,their usage has negative effects on both the physical and mentaldevelopment of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   
Sample Answer   Some people think that computers do not help children learn moreeffectively. The use of computers in schools has negative effects onchildren's physical and mental development. Personally, I am not in favourof the point. I think children can benefit a lot from using computers.
  Now there appear good educational softwares that enablechildren to develop and practise some fundamental skills. They canhelp them learn, for example, about letters, numbers, shapes, andrhythm. Good softwares can also help children develop theirprocedural thinking and creative expression. Besides, computers helpchildren to be in control of their experience, to set their own pace,and to select the level of challenge with which they feelComfortable. They learn more effectively with the aid of computersthan only by means of traditional techniques.
  It is also good for children's mental development to use computers in schools. Byusing computers children develop self-confidence and self-esteem as they mastercomputer skills. And they will build positive attitudes toward technology. In addition,in the class roomsetting children often prefer working with one or two partners overworking alone, which leads to the development of social skills.
  It is true that frequent and prolonged computer sessions may posephysical health risks for children, such as harmful effects of radiation, andposture and skeletal problems. In the case of normal usage and normaloperating conditions, however, research has shown that computer monitorsare safe and do not harm our eyes and that computer monitors emit littleor no harmful radiation.   To sum up, computers are good tools for children in study and beneficial tochildren's mental and physical health.


  题目:   电脑并没有帮助孩引门更有效地学习。另外,电脑的使用对青少年的身体和心理健康都有着负面作用。你是否赞同此观点?   
译文:   一些人认为电脑并不能帮助孩子们更有效地学习。在学校里使用电脑对孩引们的身心都有消极影响。就我个人而言,我并不同意这种观点。我认为孩子们能从使用电脑中获得很多益处。   现在出现了很多好的教育软件能帮助孩引门发展和练习一些基础技能。例如,这些软件可以帮助他们学习字母、数字、形状和节奏等知识。好的软件还可以帮助孩子们发展他们的程序化思维和创造性表达。此外,电脑帮助孩引门根据自己的经验,调整自己的进度和选择他们自己觉得舒服的挑战级别。由于电脑的帮助,他们的学习效率比只用传统方法学习的效率高很多。   在学校使用电脑对孩子们的心理发展也有好处。通过使用电脑,孩子们会因掌握了电脑技能而培养自尊和自信。他们会用积极的态度面对科技。另外,在教室中比起单独工作孩子们更喜欢和一两个伙伴一起工作,从而促进社会技能的发展。   的确,长时间使用电脑可能会对孩子的身体健康构成危害,如辐射、姿态和骨骼问题。然而,在正常使用的情况下,研究表明电脑显示器是安全的,并不会伤害我们的眼睛,也很少或根本不会发出有害辐射。   总而言之,电脑是孩引门学习的有利工具,而且对孩子的身心健康都非常有益。