

作者:qxsi   2022-06-19 20:52:36  点击:21

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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a child's success in school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   你是否同意以下观点?子女在学业上取得成功,同学起到了比父母更重要的作用。请用具体的理由和事例来说明。   Although the influence of classmates is very important, a child's success in school depends mainly on the influence of the parents.   In general, the example set by the parents is the basis for the behavior and attitudes of the child. If the parents show an interest in learning, are supportive, loving, encouraging and have made it clear that education is important by reading to them, praising their progress and not being overly critical when they do not achieve maximum success, the child will probably be confident, relaxed, enjoy learning, and not be afraid of making mistakes as they try to be more creative in their thinking and studies in the classroom amidst all kind of classmates. Because of their confidence and feeling of security given by their parents, they will be happy, well adjusted students and popular with their classmates and the teachers, and better students.   If the child knows that, no matter what, their parents are loving and encouraging and that they always have a “safe” base to return to, there is little that can really upset them at school and they will be able to attend to their studies successfully even in the face of bullies, naughty, distracting classmates or even unskilled and overly critical teachers. No matter what the classmates or the teachers say or do, the child has the sure knowledge that their parents love and “approve” of them; so, they are not seriously bothered by negative aspects at school.   On the contrary, if the parents are critical, unsupportive, unloving, there is little that classmates or teachers can or will do that will be of much help because the core being of the child is “in trouble” and that child does not have the basic confidence that only parents' love and support can instill in them.   Clearly, the influence of the parents is much more critical to a child's success in school than the classmates.   深圳资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以深圳为您提供关于同学的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。
  尽管同学的影响很重要,但是孩子在学业上获得成功却是父母起到了主要的作用。   一般来说,父母在日常行为和处世态度上给孩子树立了榜样。如果父母对学习表现出兴趣;对他们支持、爱护和鼓励;通过读书给他们听、表扬他们的进步、在他们没有取得成功时不过度批评,让他们明自教育的重要性;如此一来,孩子就可能变得自信、放松,享受学习,不怕犯错,因为他们在思考和课堂学习的过程中变得更加具有创造力。因为从父母那里感受到了自信和安全感,孩子就会变得快乐,很好地适应,受到同学以及老师的欢迎,进而成为更出色的学生。   如果孩子认识到,无论如何父母总是对自己充满爱护和鼓励,总有一个安全的港湾可以回归,在学校就会很少有事情让他们不安。即便在学校被欺负、被捉弄,自己的同学总是令自己分心或者老师教学水平不怎么样还很严厉,他们也可能在学i生上取得成功。不管同学、老师说什么,做什么,孩子坚信自己的父母会爱自己并支持自己,那他们就不会被学校的消极因素严重影响。   反过来,如果父母非常严厉,对自己也不支持不爱护,那么同学、老师所做的对孩子的学习起到的帮助也不大,因为问题的核心在于他陷入了困境,并且缺乏只有父母的爱和支持能够给予的基本的自信。   所以,与同学相比,父母的影响更多地决定了孩子在学业上能否取得成功。   深圳认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,深圳小编希望本篇关于同学的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。