

作者:qxsi   2022-06-20 04:37:20  点击:16

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  A secretary's introducing her abilities to communicate and cooperate.   Q: Can you introduce yourself briefly?   A: OK. It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. My name is Zhang Ping. I am 26 years old and my hometown is Shanghai, one of the biggest cities in China. I didn't attend college after graduation from high school. I chose to work in a foreign company as a secretary. I have four years' work experience and I believe I can do the job you advertised. In addition, I am an optimistic and friendly person and I like making new friends. That's all.   Q: Are you good at communication?   A: Yes, I think so. I like communicating with people, even when I was at 's interesting to listen to others' opinions and ideas.   Q: What do you think is the most important when you communicate?   A: Listening. I mean to have patience to listen and be ready to accept or at least to understand others' ideas. This is the basic element to realize a perfect communication.   北京韦博英语深知只会念但无法理解具体意思是练习英语口语的大忌,所以北京韦博英语为您提供沟通能力英语怎么说的翻译,大家在练习英语口语时比较好对照着意思去理解句子,英语口语才能突飞猛进。

  一位秘书正在介绍她的沟通与合作能力。   Q:你能简单介绍一下自己吗?   A:可以。真地很荣幸有机会来面试。我愿意回答你提出的任何问题,并希望今天有一个出色的表现。我叫张平,26岁。我的家乡是中国城市之一—上海。高中毕业后我没有上大学,而是选择了在一家外企做秘书。我有四年的工作经验,并且相信自己能胜任贵公司的工作。此外,我是一个乐观友好的人,喜欢结识新朋友,就是这些。   Q:你擅长沟通吗?   A:我想是的。我喜欢与人沟通,甚至在我上学时就是如此,倾听别人的意见和想法是很有趣的。   Q:你认为沟通时重要的一点是什么?   A:倾听。我的意思是耐心地倾听别人的话,并且准备好去接受或者至少要理解他人的想法。这是实现完美沟通的基本要素。