

作者:qxsi   2022-06-20 15:38:01  点击:33

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  Do you think there's the necessity of creating a new global language? Give specific reasons and examples.
  Maybe there are people who believe that there is the necessity of creating a new world language. They may also give all kinds of reasons for doing so. However, no matter how sound these reasons are, I'm convinced I won't accept them. Let me convey my mind more clearly: I don't think there's any necessity to create a global language.
  First of all, English has, in fact, become a global language. Nowadays, English-speaking countries are the most developed in almost every aspect and English has accordingly become the most influential language in the world. Statistics show that English accounts for 80% of the world's entertainment language such as movies, television and music. It also takes up 75% of the world's IT language. It can be said that there are a large proportion of people in almost every country around the world who are learning English for reason ranging from job hunting considerations to international-exchange necessities. There's no exaggeration that people who don't know English will find it increasingly difficult to survive.
  Moreover, facts have proved that it is extremely time and energy consuming to learn a new language. In fact, someone has long created one and has made great effort for people to learn to use it. It is Esperanto. However, this effort has turned out to be in vain because not too many people really learnt it or used it. Why so? The reason is simple: any foreign language needs years of industrious efforts to learn well with the only exception of one's mother tongue, which is usually acquired in a natural manner and in a natural environment.
  All in all, it is just unwise to create a new world language.   佛山英语资深老师解析:辩论型题目,使用的是一边倒结构,范文共四段,第一段解释题目并引出了作者观点,中间两个理由段,论述了作者认为没有必要再去创建一门新的世界性语言的观点,后一段重申了观点。[雅思作文范文考官评分:8]   也许有人会认为创立一门新的世界性语言是必要的,而且会给出多种多样的理由,但是,不管这些理由多么充分,我相信自己肯定是不会接受的。让我表述得更清楚明了些:我认为没有任何必要再去创立一门新的世界性语言。