

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 09:03:00  点击:36

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01 Classic Sentences经典句子
   you give me the time of delivery?   你能告诉我交货的时间吗?    me, I wonder the earliest shipment you can make.   请问你们能安排的早装运时间是什么时候?    would say it's a good idea for us to charter an airline.   我想说的是包机对我们来说是个不错的想法。
  'm terribly sorry to inform you we can't advance the time of delivery.   非常抱歉的通知你们我们不能提前交货。    they could advance the delivery three days earlier, everything will be ok.   如果他们能提前三天交货的话,一切都没问题。    make sure you can deliver the goods on time.   请务必确保货物准时运到。
  's your last word as to the date?   你方后敲定的日期是什么时候?    insist on express shipment because we urge for the goods.   我方主张快递,因为我方急需这批货物。    customers require these goods shall be delivered by partial shipment.   客户要求这批货要分批发运。
   should take some actions to speed up the delivery.   你方应采取行动去加快交货。    your L/C arrived late,shipment will be delayed for some days.   由于你方信用证到达推迟,货运将延迟几天。    you give me an reasonable explaination on why the ship has been delayed   你方能就船运推延给我方一个合理的解释吗?
   a charter aircraft deliver our product to the destination at the fixed time.   包机空运能准时把我们的产品运到目的地吗?   's call it a deal.   就这么定了。 02 Useful Dialogue实用对话 The damage   Bargainer: Yes, What can I do for you?   Buyer: We got a damaged shipment from you.   Bargainer: Was the damage extensive?   Buyer: I'd say about two-thirds of the shipment is disqualified.   Bargainer: We'll send someone to look at it immediately.   Buyer: OK, we'll be hoping forward him.   Bargainer: How bad was the damage?   Inquirer: Four packing cases were crushed.   Bargainer: Was all the material in those cases destroyed?   Inquirer: I think none of them can be used.   Buyer: Can I know whose fault is this damage?   Bargainer: The order was in good shapelwhen it left our factory.   Buyer: It certainly didn't arrive here that way.   Bargainer: We'll make it right with you, of course. 破损   卖主:有什么事可以帮您?   买主:你们送来的货有损坏。   卖主:坏得很多、很严重吗?   买主:我看大概有三分之二的货不能用了。   卖主:我们会马上派个人去查看。   买主:好,我们等着他。   卖主:损坏情况如何?   咨询员:有四个箱子全压坏了。   卖主:箱里的东西都毁了吗?   咨询员:我看都不能用了。   买主:这次的损坏究竟是谁的责任呢?   卖主:货离开工厂时都是完好无缺的啊。   买主:送到这儿时可不是那样!   卖主:当然,我们会帮你调查清楚的。   以上就是杭州汉普森英语小编为大家整理工厂交货英语对话。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法门,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加杭州汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。