

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 09:56:29  点击:24

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   May we clean your room now,sir?   先生,我们现在可以清理您的房间吗?   Shall we come hack later, sir?   先生,要我们等会儿再来吗?   I'm sorry, but could you wait another 30 minutes, please?   对不起,请再等30分钟好吗?   We will come and clean your room irnrnediately.   我们会立刻来清理您的房间。   When would you like me to do your room,sir?   您要我什么时间来给你打扫房间呢,先生?   Could you come back in three hours?   你能不能过3小时再来整理?   Can you adjust the air-conditioning in my room?   你能调节一下我房17的空调吗?   Do you have。safe where I can leave my valuables?   有保险箱让我存放贵重物品吗?   I need the key for room 321 , please.   我需要321房间的钥匙。   Please change the sheets.   请更换床单。   Could you please tidy up。hit in the bathroom?   请把浴室整理一下,好吗?   Would you like to draw the curtains for me?   帮我把窗帘拉上好吗?   Excuse me , could I have some more towels , please?   对不起,请问能不能增加一些毛巾?
  模仿对话练一练   A:(Knocking at the door)Housekeeping service .May I come in?   B:Come in,please.   A:Good evening,madam.   B:Good evening,how about tidying up a hit in the bathroom?   We've just showered,and it's quite a mess.   A:Right away .I'll place some fresh towels in there,and I'll cleanthe toilet howl_wash basin and tub.   B:The children have just played on the bed in that room,、please change our sheets andpillow cases.   A:Yes,madam.   B:Do you have a transformer for my hushand's electric razor? And we need two pairs of bathslippers.   A: Certainly,madam. I get off work at 10:00 . Would it he all right if I send them up bythe overnight attendant who does the housekeeping?   B:OK. And I'd like a hair-dryer some time tomorrow。   A:we have many articles on loan to guests .Just refer to your Welcome Booklet.   B:You've been so helpful.   A:Don't mention it. Good night,madam.
  上海汉普森英语老师译文:   A:(敲门)客房服务,可以进来吗?   B:进来吧!   A:晚上好,夫人。   B:晚上好,能稍微打扫一下卫生间吗?我们刚洗完澡,乱七八糟的。   A:马上就去,我会放几条新毛巾,再把坐厕、洗面盆、浴缸都清理干净。   B:孩子们刚在那间屋床上玩过,也换一下床单和枕套吧!   A:好的,夫人。   B:有接电动剃须刀的变压器吗?另外再要两双洗澡用的拖鞋。   A:好的,夫人,我晚上10点下班,我会让夜班客房服务员给您送来的。   您看可以吗?   B:可以,明天我还需要一个吹风机。   A:我们有许多用品可供客人借用,您可以参看“客人手册”。   B:你想得真周到。   A:不客气,晚安,夫人!   以上就是上海汉普森英语小编为您整理客房服务的英语口语对话,上海汉普森英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语、旅游英语、一对一等课程,欢迎大家进入上海汉普森英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。