

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 10:08:32  点击:30

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   Where can I have breakfast?There's a coffee shoe on the first floor.   我可以在哪儿吃早饭?在一楼有咖啡厅。   Would you like coffee or tea?   您想要咖啡还是茶?   Will you have cream and sugar in your coffee?   你们的咖啡里加奶油和糖吗?   Would you care for a drink before dinner?   您需要在餐前喝点什么?   What drink do you prefer?   您喜欢喝什么?   We have two western is an Italian restaurant on the fifth other is onthe tenth floor which serves French dishes.   我们有两家西餐厅。一家是意式西餐,在五楼;另一家在十楼,供应法式西餐。   The coffee shop is on the first floor near the lobby .   咖啡室在一楼大厅附近。   On the top floor there is。revolving cocktail lounge.   在顶楼有旋转酒吧。   We offer all sorts of entertainment,such as howling alley,disco hall,massage parlor,etc.   You'll have a very nice time in our hotel.   我们提供各种娱乐场所,如保龄球馆、迪斯科舞厅、按摩院等。您将在我们酒店度过美好的时光。
  模仿对话练一练   A : What can 1 do for you   B :I'll have a bottle of champagne , please.   A : OK, sir. Here you are.   B : And a cup of whisky , please.   A : On the rocks, sir?   B : Yes.   A : Anything else, sir?   B :Yes, something non-alcoholic for me, please.   A : Would you like juice or coffee   B : A cup of coffee. Do you have any snacks to nibble on?   A : Certainly , sir. I'll bring you over some crisps and peanuts .   B : Thank you very much.
  东莞韦博英语老师译文:   A:要点什么?   B:我要一瓶香槟酒。   A:好的,先生。给您。   B:再来一杯威士忌酒。   A:加冰块吗,先生?   B:是的。   A:还要什么吗,先生?   B:是的,请给我来点非酒类饮料。   A:您想要果汁还是咖啡?   B:一杯咖啡。你们有什么可以慢慢吃的东西吗?   A:当然有,先生。我给您拿些炸土豆片和花生米来。   B:十分感谢。   以上就是东莞韦博英语小编为您整理去咖啡厅的英语口语对话,东莞韦博英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语、旅游英语、一对一等课程,欢迎大家进入东莞韦博英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。