

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 10:45:24  点击:21

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   What kind of currency do you want to change?   你要换哪种货币?   How much would you like to change?   你要兑换多少?   What do you hold,cash or traveler's checks?   你手头有现金还是旅行支票?   If you want to cash the check,please sign again on the bottom line.   如果你想兑支票,请再在底线上签名。   We need information as to your name,which country's passport you are holding and yourpassport number for both accounting and foreign exchange control purposes.   我们需要了解你的名字、持哪国护照、护照号码是多少等材料,这是为了进行会计记账和外汇管制。   WX'hat's your selling rate for Japanese yen in notes today?   你们今天日元的现金卖出价是多少?   I'd like to change some money,please.   我想兑换一些钱。   Could you change some money for me?   您能为我兑换一些钱吗?   In what denominations?   要什么面值的?   Can I have 10 . dollars worth of RMB?   能否给我换10美元的人民币?   Will five tens be all right?   5张10元的行吗?
  模仿对话练一练   A:Good morning,sir. May I help you?   B:Yes,I'd like to change these . dollars into HK dollars.   A:Certainly,sir. Could you fill out this form,please?   B:Here you are.   A:Thank you,sir. You would like to change . $800 into HKdollars. Is that right?   B:Yes,that's right.   A:Just a moment,please. I'll calculate that for you for waiting It comes toHK$6,200 at today's exchange rate.   B:I see. Here you are.   A:And here are you HK you,sir. Have a nice day.
  上海朗阁培训老师译文:   A:早上好,先生,需要我效劳吗?   B:我想把这些美元兑换成港币。   A:好的,先生,请填写这张表格好吗?   B:填好了。   A:谢谢您,先生,您想把800美元换成港币,对不对?   B:是的。   A:请稍候,我帮您计算一下。先生,让您久等了,按今天的兑换汇率折合起来是港币6200元。   B:我明白了,给你。   A:这是您的港币,谢谢,祝您愉快。   以上就是上海朗阁培训小编为您整理的货币兑换的英语口语对话的学习内容,上海朗阁培训小编认为语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以上海朗阁培训多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。
