

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 14:51:45  点击:32

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   He's out of the office at the moment.   他目前不在办公室。   Any time you like.   你想什么时间都可以。   if you have time,1'd like to meet with you tomorrow.   如果你有空,我希望明天能跟您见个面。   How about Thursday at 10:00, in your office?   星期四,10点钟,在您的办公室如何?   Would Monday at 9:00 he convenient for you?   星期一,9点钟,您方便吗?   What do you say of 10 o'clock on the morning of 22nd?   22日早晨10点钟您看怎么样?   If possible,why don't we meet in the hotel restaurant at 10:00 tomorrow morning?   如果可能的话,我们不如明天上午10点在旅馆餐厅见面,怎么样?   Next Friday at 9:00 a. m. at Garden 'll look forward to it.   下星期五上午9点,在花园酒店,期待与您见面。   Can I make an appointment to see for next week?   我可以预约下星期同李先生会面吗?   Would it be possible to make an appointment with Mr. Li tomorrow?   是否能和李先生明天预约一下?   I'd like to meet Miss Xu sometime.   我想找个时间跟徐小姐见面。   Will it he convenient if I come to your office this afternoon?   今天下午我去你办公室方便吗?   Could we set up。meeting for next Monday at 9:?   我们下周一上午9点见面好吗?
  模仿对话练一练   A:Well,Mr. Morse,I'd like to make some trading arrangementswith your company. So I was wondering if I could come andmeet you at 3 :. next Monday.   B:I'm afraid I have another appointment at that time.   A : Then,how about 4:00 p. m.?   B:I don't think so. Why don't I call you backA:OK. Let me tell you my telephone number.   B:ok,that's not can consult the telephone director.   A:When ran I expect your call?   B:Maybe in a week or so.   A:I'll look forward to your call.   B:I have an urgent meeting to attend to right now。 Thank you for calling. Goodbye.   A :Thank you for your .
  成都美联英语老师译文:   A:喔,莫尔斯先生,我想同你们公司商谈一些贸易上的安排。所以不知道我是否能在下周一下午3点前来同你会一次面。   B:恐怕那时候我另有约会。   A:那么下午4点如何?   B:我想也不行。还是等我给你回电话好吗?   A:好吧。让我告诉你我的电话号码。   B:喔,不必了。我可以查电话号码本。   A:那我什么时候等着你的回电?   B:大概一周左右吧。   A:我盼望你的回电。   B:我现在要去开一个紧急会议。谢谢你打电话来,再见。   A:谢谢你的宝贵时间。再见。   以上就是成都美联英语小编为您整理关于约见客户的英语对话,成都美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入成都美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。