

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 15:33:21  点击:23

未认证 谨防假冒!


  经典句型背一背   I'll have to put you on six months' probation first.   你首先得有六个月的试用期。   I hope you can carry on the daily routine even if the office director is on leave or absent.   我希望你在办公室主任休假或不在的时候也能处理日常工作。   Mr. Lu,can you tell me why you want to work as a sales manager with us?   陆先生,你能告诉我你为什么想在我们这里为销售经理?   The starting salary for our departmental managers depends on their age,experience,qualifications and so on.   我们的部门经理的起薪取决于年龄、经验、资格等。   Since our production has been expanded,we plan to increase our advertising.   由于我们的生产扩大了,我们打算增加我们的广告。   We don't think it's a suitable medium for us.   我们认为这种媒介不适合我们。   1plan the advertising campaign and co-ordinate the work of artists and typographers.   我筹划广告推销计划。   You seem to have the right kind of experience .Our company needs experienced people likeyou.   你的经验似乎很适合这个工作。我们公司就需要像你这样有经验的人。   I'll ask Mary to inform you in three days.   三天之内我会让玛丽通知你。   What makes you decide to get into computers?   是什么使你决定搞计算机这一行的?   I hope to know more about the position.   我希望多了解这个职位的情况。   Could you mail these materials to us by the end of this week?   你能在本周末以前把这些材料寄过来吗?
  模仿对话练一练   A:Tina,what was your first job?   B:When T left school I spent two years training as。clerk in apharmaceutical company .After that,my first jot) was as asecretary to one of the doctors.   A:And what were your duties?   B:I wrote reports. Or rather my boss dictated them to me and Ityped them.   A:Did you enjoy it?   B:Well,1liked the people I worked with very much .1didn't like the jot) itself because it wasboring. All I did was typing!But the good thing was that I learnt a lot of English .All thereports were written in English.   A:And how long did you work as a secretary?   B:only about six I saw a notice for a vacancy in the Personnel Department and Iapplied for a job there. That's where I work now.   A:And do you prefer that?   B:Oh,yes. I really like it because it's much more interesting. But I don't have,so muchopportunities to use English now.
  沈阳美联英语老师译文:   A:蒂娜,你的第一份工作是做什么?   B:毕业后,我在一家医药公司作了两年实习人员。后来,我开始了第一份工作,给一位医生做秘书。   A:你主要负责什么工作?   B:书写报告。或者由我的老板口授,我把它们打出来。   A:你喜欢你的工作吗?   B"嗯,我非常喜欢我的同事,但我不太喜欢工作本身,它很枯燥。我的工作就是打字。但我从中学会了很多英语知识,这对于我来说是一大收获。所有的报告都是用英语写的。   A:那么你做秘书做了多久?   B:只有半年。后来我看到人事部的招聘启事,我就提出申请,也就是我现在的工作。   A:你喜欢这项工作吗?   B:哦,是的。我非常喜欢这项工作,它有趣多了。但只是没有机会运用英语知识。   以上就是沈阳美联英语小编为您整理关于面试的英语对话,沈阳美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入沈阳美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。