

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 20:00:46  点击:22

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  A person's childhood years (the time from the birth to the age of twelve years) arethe most important years of a person's life. Do you agree or disagree?
  Sample Answer   It is generally accepted that a person's childhood years are very important years oftheir it is hardly appropriate to say those years are the most important.   We do not reject the importance of childhood years. Actually it is rather important forthe later part of a person's life. Our lives are subject to surroundings. Our world viewshave been structured from our childhood. Therefore, every one actually sees his ownworld differently to others. Even though we all live in a single world, every one of usin fact lives in a distinctive world, which are determined by our distinctive perceptionsfrom individual to ,we should not suspect that a person's life isinfluenced by one's childhood.   Childhood, however, is merely one of several factors that shape one's later life.   Among various factors is one's learning ability. Human beings are superior to anyother animals simply because of their ability to learn. Psychology teaches us thattraining and self-training can alter our characteristics which may eventually alter ourlives. Furthermore, learning is a life long process, which means every part of one's lifecould be an essential period and could play an indispensable role in one's life. Forexample, Einstein was taken for an idiot by his teacher when he was a child. Theawkward attitude of his stupid teacher made Einstein's childhood an awful one.   Nevertheless,Einstein did lead a wonderful life.   Most parents nowadays seem to believe that childhood is the most important phaseof one's life,and therefore often force their children to learn those alleged essentialskills. The fact is, such behaviour is rather presumptuous,because,there are stillmany other important factors that affect one's life.
  佛山老师译文:   大家都公认的是,童年在人的一生中是非常重要的时光,但是很难说是重要的。   我们不否认童年的重要性。的确,它对一个人日后的生活是相当重要的。我们的生活受环境的支配。我们的世界观在童年就已经形成。因此,每一个人对他或她所处的世界的看法与别人都是不同的。即使我们都生活在同一个世界里,事实上,我们中的每一个人都活在一个与众不同的世界中。这是因为每个人对世界都有着不同的感知。因此,我们不应该怀疑一个人的童年的确影响着人生。
  大多数的家长都认为童年是人生中重要的阶段,因此常常强迫他们的子女去学习那些所谓的重要技能。但事实是,这种做法是相当专横的。因为还有很多其他影响人生的重要因素。   以上就是佛山小编为您整理的关于童年重要的雅思作文范文,佛山小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以佛山多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。